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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Pr tect Your Password Don't write your password down. Creating The Perfect Password Not too short: A strong password is at least characters in length. 8 8 THE WHY: Passwords are a critical part of information and network security.A good password protects user accounts, while a poorly chosenpassword, if compromised, could put the entire network at risk. Protect our data with a strong, secure password. Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe Use longer passwords (e.g. 15 characters instead of eight) and a greater variety of characters (upper and lowercase, numeric characters, special characters, etc.) for the strongest level of protection. Use at least three of the following: 1. UPPERCASE LETTERS 2. lowercase letters 3. Numerical characters: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4. Symbolic characters: ! @ < > $ % ^ & * ( ) You will receive a prompt to change your password every months (Feel free to change it more frequently!) Your new password must be different from the previous passwords used for that system. 12 12 (That means you can't just add a character or two to your old password and call it a day.) Put A Little Thought Into It Don't use one of the top 20 most commonly used passwords: 6 6 Sharing is caring... except when it comes to computer safety. Keep your password to yourself. Change Is Good Store your password in the most secure location possible Your brain. Don't use the "remember password" feature in your browser. Keep 'Em Guessing: The more complex your password is, the tougher it is to guess. This can help to deter attempts to crack your password.
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