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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Our Impact For the 2013-2014 Impact Evaluation, buildOns Impact Evaluation Specialist utilized Salesforce to gather and analyze input participant data. Additionally, the internal evaluation utilized a pre and post assessment survey to measure student change over time. A partner post survey, alumni survey & focus groups were used to gather quantitative data on the overall impact of the buildOn program on the partners and alumni involved. buildOn is dedicated to ensuring that through service, youth have the opportunity to gain skills needed for academic, social and civic success. This year, buildOn administered surveys and collected attendance data from over 5000 students attending our partner schools in New York, Connecticut, Philadelphia, Chicago, Michigan and California. We also received feedback from over 80 service partners and school partners, 75 parents, and 150 alumni. In addition, we worked with Owen Consulting to conduct an assessment of our evaluation process and to add new recommendations for future evaluation.. The following data points were included in the analysis: (1)Student school attendance rates (2)Senior student graduation rates (3)Pre & Post survey data (4) Qualitiative data from Focus Groups (5)Student participant hours. The design of the study prevented the use of randomized control groups. The student school attendance percentage rates were collected directly from our partner high schools. We received attendance data from 27 partner schools for a total of 5065 students that had participated with buildOn throughout the year. In addition, there were 8 partner schools that provided comparison attendance rates for non buildOn students. In these 8 schools, an attendance percentage was provided for 7898 non buildOn students and 2841 buildOn students. As a result, the evaluation analysis was able to include buildOn student attendance as compared with non buildOn student attendance at 8 schools. The overall attendance analysis focuses on comparing more engaged students to less engaged students in the buildOn program. Lastly, the graduation rate data was collected directly from students and from the school admin offices for a data sample of 759 students buildOn believes that youth develop through the act of doing service and achieve the following five outcomes:Academic EngagementCivic EngagementEmpowerment Expanded Sense of PossibilitiesPersonal and Social DevelopmentA study of buildOns work by Brandeis Universityhas shown that through service students see improvements in these five outcomes.
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