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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Imperialism in the Pacific Hawaii New Zealand You can thank Captain James Cookfor your access to the amazing beachesof Hawaii. He opened up Hawaiito the West through his expeditions. Hawaii imitated Western culturein many respects, to such an extent thattwo queens, Keopulani and Liliuokalani,even advocated for it. Missionaries alsoestablished schools, effectivelyWesternizing Hawaii. Colonization was not an issue compared toother issues in Hawaii. Monarchy declined, andthe American governmentdeclared naval rights at Pearl Harbor in 1887.Eventually, in 1898, the U.S.Congress took control of Hawaii in 1898. It's not all bad, though. Westernand Polynesian culture were both equally respected, without threator enslavement. This led to lesschance of Hawaiian natives experiencing the same degree of racism as did Native Americansor African slaves. Africans+ Native Americans Hawaiiannatives The Maori suffered immensely when whalersand timber merchants showed up to settle, bringing alcoholism and prostitution to the Maori.The settlers also brought diseases ranging from the commoncold to tuberculosis, killing many. Small amounts of Maori remained, but those whodid were converted to Christianity by the missionarieswho came in 1814. Later, British farmers came in searchof land, plunging the Maori into despair yet again. The Maori fought against the farmers, but eventuallyexhausted all their resources and prepared to face extinction. Fortunately, the Maori proved to be quite resilient and sprangback into action, becoming immune to various new diseasesand bending European laws to their will to protect what littleland they had left. The Maori were able to preserve what theyhad despite struggles with invaders who refused to leave. Ultimately, both the Polynesianand the Maori populationssuffered, but everything cameout well for themin the end, despite having been Westernized.
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