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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Kakapo - Strigops Habroptilus-Bird Family- By Palmer Boothe, 7A "Kakapo." Encyclopedia of Endangered Species. Gale, 2009. Science in Context. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.Document URL "Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus)." Beacham's Guide to\ International Endangered Species. Vol. 3. Gale, 2008. Science in Context. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.Document URL The male can weigh over 7 pounds.Female weighs more around three.INTERESTING FACT:The Kakapo is the largest parrot double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. It is a flightless bird. Known to feed during the day,but it is mostly noctornal It lives in New Zealand, and nests in between roots orbranches or rocks in dense forests or meadowy grasslands It is essentially green, with brown and yellow mixed in. The upperparts are lighter,while the tail and lowerparts are darker. It eats seeds, nuts, green shoots, fruit, fern, moss, fungi, leafbuds, and insects. It lays a clutch of 1-3 eggs, sometimes chicks of different ages are found in nests, suggesting different birth time IF WE TAKE ACTION, WE CAN SAVE THIS BIRD! IF WE TAKE ACTION, WE CAN SAVE THIS BIRD! The Kakapo is critically endangereddue to interduced threats like newpredators and destruction of theirhabitat. Also, the breeding habitsof the Kakapo are difficult and ooften do not result in birth. Help thisincredible creature stay on this planet and donate today! Want to help more?Visit:
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