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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Haitian 160k outnumbered white double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. moderate/radical gallons of water per well 10 to 1 people killed in Saint-Domingue In a sense, the entire Haitian revolution wasradical. Fighting came in spurts. The mostradical event, however, was the Massacre ofWhites, which took place in early 1804 and resulted in ~4,000 casualties. Because the protests successfullycaused the end of slavery and formed a new republic, the outcome of the revolution was in many ways ideal. 17911804 fought from to The Haitian Revolution was caused by an uprising performed by Haitian slaves,who had been oppressed for years by the invading French government. It tookplace in a French colony called Saint-Domingue, and is considered the mostsuccessful slave revolt in Western history. It led to the abolition of slavery in Haitiand the establishment of the Republic of Haiti, a government that is still in place today.The slaves were led by General Toussant L'Ouverture, a former slave who got on goodterms with the ruling French by agreeing to fight for them when the British attempted toinvade the area. However, this loyalty came at a price: L'Ouverture wished to abolishslavery entirely. The revolution happened in stages, and took years of planning. Periodsof violence interrupted periods of peace. As a result, the revolution lasted nearly 5 years. EQUALITY REPUBLIC NAPOLEON RIGHTS Black citizens citizens The primary benefit of the Haitian Revolution was attaining freedom from France. This new, independent state provided equal rights for both white and black citizens. CITIZEN REFORM OPRESSION REVOLUTION REVOLT MASSACRE SLAVE INVADE over The Revolution The violence took theform of burning sugarand coffee plantationsand murder and tortureof former slave owners.Finally, the governmentrelented, and the Frenchgave up rule of Haiti. the french military foughtback, and there were 60k in the army. led byNapoleon by Rebekah Fowler double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally.
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