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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Strategies for Protection of Online Privacy 1) Make an effort to not post any personal or private information online in the first place. When you post personal information it can be sold to companies that can use it to advertise to you, therefore your privacy has been violated! So by not posting any such information you can protect yourself 2) Social Networking sites have many privacy settings available. Use these various settings and put all of them to maximum security so that only your friends can access any personal information that you may have uploaded/posted online. Friends are less likely to infringe on your privacy 3) Stranger Danger- DON'T talk to strangers. If you don't know someone, you can't trust them. They may use your information in many ways. They can sell it to third parties without you knowing or they can use this information to bully you online--called cyberbullying 4) Respect the privacy of other people just like you want other people to respect your privacy. This is even more important if you are posting pictures of other people online and including their names. This leaves them at risk of having their personal information being found and used in the negative ways we have talked about 5) Before posting always think how you would feel if an adult was to find out this information. If you think that you will be embarrassed if they found out then maybe it is not a good idea to post this information. If you are scared that you will be embarrassed if an adult finds out, imagine how much worse it can be if a stranger uses this information to bully you. 6) Have a password that can not be guessed by anyone. This will protect your information from being directly accessed by someone. This is one more way of reducing the chances of your information from getting into the hands of someone with wrong intentions.
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