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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 China The origin of silk India Roman Empire The legend has it that the Goddess of Silk is Lady Hsi-Ling-Shih and is the one that mastered the art of producing silk. some journeys were traveled by camel Chang'an A large marketplace called the Nine Markets was that held here and lots of peoplelooking for silk from Europe traveled here to find it. Taklamakan Desert Tolls here charging money for anyone coming into the city a large meeting place for merchants and consumers to buy and sell silk. Also many resting areas were set up here for anyone traveling long distances to stay. Also thesewere places where religionand cultures would spread because here many people would interact. Universal Fabric:used mostly for clothing, but also pillows, blankets, jewelry,household cloths... Silk impacted manyreligions such as theRomans. It showed your social status andshowed how high up you are in the government. Since it was a luxury only the greatest people owned it. Japan Since silk was such a boost in China's economy, Japansaw the effects it could have on their country and started to produce it. Not only was it considered valuable in the Roman Empire, but in general because for a while only one country knew how to produce it, it was a very high end fabric because of the texture and feel of it. many carpets and rugswere made from silk wasproduced in India, and they were traded throughEurope and China Central Asia Many horses were boughthere to be used for transport of goods that helped many people easy to trade their goodsespecially silk The journey was worthtaking because silk was very expensive and valuablethat you would earn a lot ofmoney after you sell it. Silk's Adventure on The Silk Road: by Harrison Ames So many people notonly used marketslike this to buy thingsbut to exchange ideasand cultures helpingthese countries progressin society, technologicallyand socially
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