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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Madara = Regions where religious discrimination is more prevelent. Religious Conflicts Throughout Indonesia. As of last year alone (2013) a little over 260 cases were filed.All of them having to due with religious discrimination Issues One equals ten cases filed. 264 Cases The victims of these attacks range from common folk to military, political, and religious leaders,along with lawyers and civil activists. By Jorge Marquez. "Indonesia: Religious Minorities Targets of Rising Violence | Human Rights Watch." Indonesia: Religious Minorities Targets of Rising Violence | Human Rights Watch. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2014. double click to change this title text! double click to change this title text! What motivated Nelson Mandela to fight for changeNelson Mandela was interested in the ANC (African National Congress) since when he was colledge. Since the community was bad when the apartheid law was made nelson began to be a member of the ANC double click to change this title text! How was Nelson Mandela viewed by other various groups in societySince when the apartheid law was made, people thinks that white people hated Nelson Mandela but actually the whites liked him that he has a great soul and has a inspiring mindThe black people was thinking Nelson Mandela was legacylike god and they loved him. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. 1918:Nelson m¥Mandela bornat Mveso
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