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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Membership rates set, no opportunity for states to have professional/corp rate. Need this option.Set split rates for Walk & Affiliates with no respect for work spilt/costs.Donor share. States groom, do work and national comes in for large donations without notice.States are required to provide solicitation schedule, National not, must change. Donor cycle is known by lower 2 levels.Trust broken. Strategic approach to bringing back Walks, adding new walks throughout the nation, adding another event (income stream) that will match the walk revenue, increase overall donations annually while spreading the word of our work nationally. Current Plan vs Opportunity TransparencyBottom 2 not feeding top 1 Loosing more NAMIWalks each year. $5 million Transparent and creates a national mission, will help break though . *Affiliate input. NAMI National Trend 50:50 Clean Issue Walks are Leaving.Trend has momentum. ... of all SAP customersplan a mobile effort, but ... 50:50 Donor CycleIndustry Standard.Best Practice. 2 Offering a 50:50 split with the states by Zip Code creates the trust and transpancey stated in youru bylaws, stops the current work by the lower 2 levels and farming by the top level. * source: IDC mobile app survey (2010) While many companies are exploringmobile computing options, few have a clearly defined plan for doing so. Zombification NAMI Connecticut could provide Social Media plan, GT help, list of webinars, etc. National opportunity, already set, goal $250,000 first year. Membership WILL increase Therefore Funnel set. Onboarding Key. Begin now. Have plan. NAMI Connecticut could provide Social Media plan, GT help, list of webinars, etc. National opportunity, already set, goal $250,000 first year. Membership WILL increase! Therefore Funnel set. Onboarding Key. Begin now. Have plan. 2016-17 $7 million 1st Transaction: Member/Walker2nd Transaction: Donor 6-12 mos.3rd Transaction: Lg Annual Donor 12+mos. * source: SAP BusinessObjects User Conference (2012) 30% Current Issues 0 20 40 60 80 100 January February March April May June July double click to change this title text Loosing $1 million a year. Share opens books,opens up past Walks, new walks, trust and transparency per bylaws. Reverses issues. Solution X January 2015 Fix
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