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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 CAT My Plans, my Motivations, my Goals. 6)some factors that make following my plans difficultis laziness and the feeling of giving up but i always listen to words of encouragements which can be heard here" "and lack of a reliable transport since most of my classes arein the afternoon and i work in the day its sometimes difficultfor me to arrive early at school so my new year resolution isto by my self a descent car. ROADMAP ASSIGNMENT 5)ways through which i can get involved in collegeis by going to cheesy events,seeking all hot spots on campuslike the gym,join a team like the soccer teamwhich will enable me to meetnew people and have contacts for the future. 10)some of my educational goal after i leave seneca college is be to accepted at the university of waterloo in Actuarial sciences, which is a four year program. what influenced this decision was a workshop organised by the career services,many people of the insurance industry advised us on the possible careers available in the industry, and the journey we should take in order to reach there. So i came across the actuarial sciences and i caught my attention even though it requires alot of statistics and mathematics i am still going to follow that path by Gods grace. Lorem ipsum etsecor dolor. SNEAKERS GUITAR T-SHIRT 1)What motivates me is the fact that i am the first person to attend college in my family, i want my younger siblings to look up to me as their role model and i also want to see my parents be happy because of their lifetime sacrifice on me. 7)The GPA i hope to achieve this semester is a 3 on 4 . 3)some areas i plan to improve on this semester is my time management, i plan to reduce the time i spend on leisure like social media and clubs by so doing i will be able to attend several worshops Lorem ipsum et secor dolor. 2)some reources available at seneca i used to smoothen my pathis the tutoring services,which always assisted me inany courses i had difficulties in.Another resources i used isthe career services which helped me get a part timejob that suits perfectly my timetable. Another service i made use of was the financial aid services through which i received a bursary. Lorem ipsum etsecor dolor. 4)what i can do to improve my academic performanceis by getting involved on campus, obtain the help i need from tutors,attend every classes,manage my courses and study daily. My main purpose for attending collegeis to get the required skills i need to succeed in life. 8)my plans for next semester is to have atleast B+ in all my courses and to have a job on campus.
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