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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 My Geological Footprint Xena Tutah Red: Food, 12%Green: Shelter, 16%Yellow: mobility 9%Grey: goods, 21%Blue: services, 43% My ecological footprint: Ways to reduce -If my family and I used solar panels for electricity we could reduce ourecological footprint. -If I use public transportation one more day vs. riding in the car, thatwill also reduce my footprint Ways to reduce Water used in my home and yard: 86 gallonswater in my diet: 437 gallonswater I use for transportation and energy: 1175 gallonsMy stuff that use water 32.3 gallons My Water Foot print; The average american uses 2,088 gallons of water, in total i use 1,730.3 gallons If everyone lived like me it wouldtake 4.7 earths to supportevery ones lifestyle. -To reduce my water footprint I couldtake shorter showers, such as limitingthem to 15 minutes-Other things could be like turning off the water while brushing my teeth or brushing my teeth My Carbon Footprint; My behavioral breakdown:Home&Energy(red) 55.9%Driving&Flying(green) 32.8%Recycling&Waste(yellow) 6.2% My estimated greenhouse gas emissions are 15 tons of carbon, which is lessthen the average. The average is 27 tons. Average American carbon use; Average behavioral breakdown:Home&Energy(red) 36.8%Driving&Flying(green) 43.5%Recycling&Waste(yellow) 4.4% After analyzing all the data, I've come to notice how much of an impact one person can make on the earth, and that every little bit counts. So next time you're taking a shower, washing your hands,driving in the car, flying or basically any of the day to day things.. think about how you can help make a difference and reduce your negative additions to the world and produce more positive affects.
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