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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 your artboard Why are Mountain Gorillas Endangered? Poachers poach baby gorillas and end up killing the entirefamily to capture it. In the early 20th century, hunters started to poach the gorillas. Parts of them were sold to tourists. Poaching Snares Many times, Mountain Gorillasget caught in snares that aremeant for other animals. Mountain Gorillas, non-aggressive animals that live in the VirungaMountains of Central Africa, have been endangered for many years.In the early 20th century, hunters began to hunt Mountain Gorillas and some sold the skulls to tourists. After the Belgian government created a national park for them in Zaire, the gorillas were protecteduntil the 1960s, when civil war broke out. In the 60s and 70s, Dian Fossey began to stop poachers and save the gorillas. In 1981, there were about 250 Mountain Gorillas and the conservationefforts seemed to be working. Gorilla tourism was bringing moneyto Rwanda. However, civil war broke out in Rwanda in the 1990s and the gorillas were again in danger. Factors OfEndangerment Their habitat is being clearedfor agriculture. In 2004,3,700 acres of gorilla forestin Virunga National Parkwere cleared. In the 1990s, civil war in Rwanda started. This halted gorilla tourism, whichat one point was Rwanda’s 3rd largest earner of foreign money, and refugeecamps with 750,000 people are onthe edges of the Mountain Gorillas' habitats. Civil War Agriculture There are about 700 Mountain Gorillas on Earth today. The civil war in Rwanda did not have a huge negative impact on their population. Humans and refugees are living on the edges of the habitat, possibly having negative consequences on the gorilla population.However, the fate of the Mountain Gorillas depends on Rwanda's government and how they will take action against people destroying the mountain gorillas’ forests and to educate people on the animals. A History Of Endangerment Mountain Gorillas' Fate
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