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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 MOEAC The best resource forMissouri Small Businesses looking to save money and go green Hey, over here! I'd love to save some money by going green. Where should I start? Great question! Follow us ... 1 4 Define Your Goal Knowing your destination is half thebattle, now we begin the journey to getyou there. Knowing how to get there. Financing * "I want to start a company."* "I'm upgrading my equipment."* "I'm trying to save money through efficiency." Know what your goal is. A goal is to your project what a mission statement is to your business. Having a clear focus onwhat you want to accomplish will help you use MOEAC's resources more effectively. Just Want to Improve Efficiency? View our EQUIPMENT, BUILDING & MATERIALS pageto learn more about potential projects to improveyour efficiency. Then check out our AUDITSpage to learn what the project can save you. Just Starting Out? Check out our PERMITS & REGULATIONS andour EQUIPMENT, BUILDING & MATERIALS page.Then head over to our AUDITS page forefficiency and cost savings. 2 Thinking of an Upgrade? An upgrade can be a big investment. Check out ourAUDITS page to determine if you need and auditand what type. Then move over to FINANCING for tips on funding options. Evaluation * Desktop Audits * Free Service Providers* Contractors * Energy Service Companies *Engineering Audits Finding Funding Upgrading your HVAC or meeting regulations isn't just asustainable move environmentally; it's a sustainable moveeconomically as well. MOEAC has the resources to helpyour business save money and spur sustainable growth.Explore our resources further at 3 Audits Improving Sustainability What type of audit you need depends onthe size of your project. Visit our AUDITSpage for more information about: Our Goal What is the scope of your project? From small business loans to tax credits, rebates and PACE financing, we have youcovered. Learn more about how to fundyour projects under our FINANCING page.
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