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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 THE SYMPOSIUM (428/427 BC 348/347 BC) METAPHYSICAL DUALISM(MYTH OF THE CAVE) THEORY OF IDEAS Student of Socrates and teacher of AristotleFounded the academy in Athens.„Wrote more than twenty dialogues His writings are divided into three periods. (Early, Middle, and Late) Love divided into two definitions. Vulgar and Divine love.Divine love means to follow the absolute good, the absolute beauty, to find harmony.Vulgar love is described as sensual and carnal temptations.Also describes love as a means for immortality. Through love we reproduce and create works of art. The only way humans can be immortal. PLATONIC LOVE PLATO Philosophical dialogue accredited to Plato which explains the nature of love.A drinking party in which 7 men describe their outlook and theories on love.PhaedrusPausaniasEryximachus Aristophanes AgathonSocratesAlcibiades Theory of ideas is separated into two different categories, material realm and transcendent realm.The material realm are tangible things they could also be ideas, and the transcendent realm consists of general ideas of everything, or archetypes. All that we see is merely an imperfect copy of a form, and the form or idea is flawless In Symposium of the Form of Beauty: "It is not anywhere in another thing, as in an animal, or in earth, or in heaven, or in anything else, but itself by itself with itself," (211b) "The object of knowledge is what exists and its function to know about reality."-Plato Divided the universe into two different realms1. the intelligible world of Ideas or Forms (Being).2. The perceptual world we see around us (Becoming).The perceptual world, and all the things in it, are imperfect copies of the intelligible Forms or Ideas that exist in an ideal (spiritual) world.The Forms or Ideas are unchangeable and perfect, and are only known by the use of the intellec (not sense-perception or imagination)
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