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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Innovations Algebra & Trigonometry Islam Had a profoundeffect on mathematicsover the course of history. Islam The famous mathematicianMuhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmiwrote His book On the Calculation withHindu Numerals, which was mainly responsible for the diffusion of Arabic numerals, which has had a great influence on mathematics. Muslim scientists mainlyfocused on practical matters,particularly hydraulic engineering.They used a variety of water raisingmachines and some waterwheels were in use up to modern times. Engineering They also used bridges and damsto funnel the water for irrigation. Aside from hydraulic engineering,they had also created many differenttypes of siege weapons and perfectedother machines, such as clocks, and fountains. Their techniques havebeen greatly importantto the development of machine technology. Astronomy Medicine Paper & publishing In the House of knowledgein Baghdad, Muslim Astronomerstranslated older texts into Arabic.They accepted the geometrical structure of the universe expounded by Ptolemy. Efforts were made to modifythe Ptolemaic theory werecarried out in the observatory founded by Nasir al-Din in 1257,and were continued by hissuccessors at Tabrizand Damascus where theyworked out planetary modelsbased solely on uniform circular motions, this servedas a model for later muslimastronomical efforts. The astronomer Ghiyath al-Dinworked his own set of astronomicaltables that improved parameterand structure and were widelyadmired and translated. Medieval Muslims revolutionizedthe science and practice of medicine.They made great discoveries in opticsand blood circulation, influencing alllater writers of the subjects. Muslims also expanded the practiceof medical schools and hospitalsand they were establishedthroughout the empire.They were staffed by a varietyof specialists from physiologists, oculists, and surgeons, to bone-setters.They also had special wards for mentallyill, and seperate wards for men and woman. In addition traveling clinics anddispensaries provided service inrural areas. Muslims were responsible for the transport of paper-making fromchina to Europe,where it fueled the printrevolution in the late fifteenth century.When they conquered central Asiapaper began to replace Papyrus,and parchment. Though it wasn'tas cheap, it was easier to erase, andit grew in popularity over time. Medieval Islamic societyhad a paper economy whereboth whole-sail and retailmerchants conducted commerceon credit. By the ninth centurycopying scientific and othertypes of Utilitarian texts.Islamic libraries had hundredsof thousands of volumes faroutstripping relatively smalllibraries of the west.
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