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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 comScore's Mobile Future in Focus 2012 reportsmobile device trafficto newspaper websites peaks evenings M-F and mornings on weekends Roadmap to News Consumers on Mobile Devices comScore data tracking projects mobile devices boost news-paper website traffic (110m unique visitors as of Aug 2012) by 9% Pew's Futureof Mobile News finds mobile news consumers spend 50+ minutes a day getting news on their tablet or smartphone Go to a News Org Website Future Willingness to Pay / Smartphone Have Ever Paid for Digital News Tablet Smartphone PC Subscribe to Digital News Mobile Newspapers Future Willingness to Pay /Tablet 0:26 1:05 2:47 % Read Newspaper Content on a Mobile Device 49% 70% % of Device Owners Getting Newsfrom their... 11% ITEM NO. 002 ITEM NO. 007 ITEM NO. 001 % of Mobile Device Owners that Have Paid or are Willing to Pay for Digital News % of Mobile Device Owners that... 28% 12% 2% 51 million 85% Android Smartphone iPad 58% 3% 1% 32% 2% ITEM NO. 004 63% 3% 30% 4% 23% 10% 41% 8% 34% 11% Where Mobile News Users Get News 51% 56% ITEM NO. 003 Smartphone Tablet Source: Magid Mobile Content Study 2012 Source: Pew Research Future of Mobile News 2012 29% 9% Source: Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2012 Source: RJI Mobile Media News Consumption Survey 2012 Source: eMarketer Time Spent with Major Media 2011 42% iPhone Source: OPA Mobile User Portrait Studies 2012 16% -- 53% Internet 99 million 9% 12% Tablet Smartphone 15% Download 1 or More News Apps Use a News Org App Use a News Aggregator App ITEM NO. 006 U.S. Adults Average Time Spent Per Day Source: Pew Research State of the News Media 2012 U.S. Smartphone and Tablet Market ITEM NO. 005 At Home At Work Commuting / In Transit Somewhere Else No Answer Pew's Future of Mobile News 2012 estimates 33% of U.S. adults now get news on a mobile device at least once a week
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