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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Stages: egg larva pupa adult Types of Metamorphosis IN INSECTS Anamorphosis Insectology.wordpress.comby Coraline egg larva adultLarva emerge with fully-developed abdomens. This type of development is distinguished by the continuation of molting through adulthood. Insect orders that demonstrate this growth process are Collembola, Diplura, Microcoryphia, and Thysanura. Simple metamorphosis Ametamorphosis Stages: egg larva adultLarva emerge with an underdeveloped abdomen. During several larval stages, they produce four additional segments before adulthood. Insects from the order Protura are the only hexopods that go through anamorphosis. This form of development include an additional stage after the larval stage called pupa. Pupa cannot feed and are immobile wrapped in a protective material, a cocoon or exoskeleton remaining from the larval stage. Larva have chewing mouthparts and differ greatly from adults. Wings develop outside the body. Insect orders that develop in this way include Megaloptera, Neuroptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Hymenoptera. Larva, called nymphs, resemble smaller adults and live on land. Undergone by orders including Blattodea, Mentodea, Grylloblattodea, Orthopetra, Phasmida, and Hemiptera. Gradual metamorphosis Stages: egg larva adultAs larva grow into adulthood, they increase in body size and develop wings outside the body. There are two types of simple metamorphosis: gradual and complete. Larva, called naiads, appear dramatically different from adults forms. While adults are completely terrestrial, naiads are aquatic. Odonata, Ephemeroptera, and Plecoptera are the only orders that undergo incomplete metamorphosis. Complete metamorphosis Incomplete metamorphosis Phtot credit: Descouens, Pupa of the rose chafer beetle, Cetonia aurata. CC BY-SA 3.0
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