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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 10%-20% 10%-20% 80% Pictures1. All Designs (2014).2. One Tear Baby Stock Photo 124209514 (1999).3. Cherry, K. (2014).4. Happy mother with the child on the hands (2013).5. Male or female? (2014).6. Coste, B. (n.d.). 7. Vrticka, P. (n.d.). 1-2 out of 1,000 new mothers Resources and Referance Key Prenatal Depression "Baby Blues" Postpartum Depression Postpartum Psychosis: InformationA. Understanding Maternal Depression (2012).B. Lefkovics, E., Baji, I., & Rigรณ, J. (2014). C. Martins, C., & Gaffan, E. A. (2000). D. Tharner, A., Dierckx, B., Luijk, M. P., Ijzendoorn, M. H., Bakermansโ€Kranenburg, M. J., Ginkel, J. R., ... & Tiemeier, H. (2013). E. Johnson, G. (2014).F. Bowlby, J. (2008). G. Tronick, E., & Reck, C. (2009). How does this affect attachment? There is a 10%-12% women are likely experiences postpartum depression. C. B. What about the baby? "Disorganized infants were more vulnerable then secure infantsto the effect of maternal postnatal depressive symptoms on the physiological stress systems." D. Mother Baby There are physiological regulation problems in infants who have disorganized attachment and mothers suffer from postnatal depression. 2. D. An attachment will struggle to develop without social interaction from the mother! F. 4. 4. Who is more vulnerable male or female infants? 5. "Male infants are more vulnerable than female infants to maternal depression." G. Interactions Between Mother and Infant These graphs show a correlation that distrought mothers can have an effect on attachment issues in their infants. 6. This shows the importance ofhaving a primary attachment figure(usually mom). To gain trust and sensitivity with the infant is imparitivefor a goal oriented secure attachment. If a mother is preoccupied with their own issues, the babies needs/wants will not be met, therefor developing an insecureattachment. 8. 7. Takes place during preganancy. Symptoms range from: anxiety,crying, and fatigue. Is a cause forpoor fetal attachment. A. Moderate to severe symptoms, prolonged course.Persistent sadness and flat affect (mom won't smile)Feelings of inadequacy or guiltOverly intense worries about the babyLack of interest in the baby, family or activitiesObsessional thoughts of harm to the infantPoor bonding with baby: No attachment A. and E. This occurs after the baby is born and is the most common, yet the least severe. Some sypmtoms include:irritability, anxiety, and mood changes. Psychiatric emergency: psychiatric hospitalization necessaryAuditory hallucinations and delusions (often about the baby, and often of a religious nature)Visual hallucinations(often in the form of seeing or feeling a presence or darkness)Bizarre delusions and commands to harm the infant (not just an obsessional thought) A. and E. E. 1. A mother's depression could harm the building of a secure attachmentrelationship. The mother has control over how the baby reactsand developes. Maternal Depression and its Affects on Attachment Brooke Wolford; Psy490; Missy Garvin PhD; December 1, 2014 G. In the end it is important for a child to develop a secure attachment with their mother. If the secure attachment does not occur there could be possible struggles in the future developing personal, intimate, and professional relationships.
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