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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Charter Of Rights and Freedoms finish 1862-1981 Start relaxing time finally we are done thanks for joining me in my fantastic journey They changed it to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms {British umpire}because they wanted to make Canada independant. The Charter was created by the Canadian Bill ofRights and theBritish. All of the rights are for everyone in Canada except for two that require you to be a Canadian citizen what is it like now?what is the history of it? The Charter sets out rights and freedoms that Canadians believe are necessary in a free and democratic society. The history of why it came was prime ministers wanted to hear what people have to say about making it and majority wanted it Canada's original Constitution, the British North America Act, was passed in 1867 by British Parliament. This Act, also known as the Constitution Act in 1867, founded Canada as a nation. It made elected governments the highest political and legal institutions in the country. The Constitution distributed power between the federal and provincial governments. Unlike the United States Constitution, Canada's Constitution did not have a "Bill of Rights" that governments had to follow . In 1960, the federal government passed the Canadian Bill of Rights. This law statute was not part of the Constitution. Because Canada's original Constitution was an Act of British Parliament, it could only be changed by Britain. For many years, Canada's Prime Ministers had been looking to "bring the constitution home." Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau also wanted to include a Charter of Rights in the Constitution. In the fall of 1980, the Canadian government set up a special all-party committee to hear what people had to say about a suggested Charter. With televised hearings, the committee listened to over 300 presentations from women, Aboriginal people, people with disabilities, ethnic and cultural minorities, and others. The committee also considered 1200 written submissions about the Charter. From this, the committee made 123 recommendations to improve the Charter - over half are in the final document. It was difficult for the provinces to agree to changes to the Constitution. On the night of November 4, 1981, in the kitchen of the Ottawa Chateau Laurier hotel, then Federal Justice Minister Jean Chrétien and the Attorneys General from Saskatchewan and Ontario, Roy Romanow and Roy McMurtry, came up with a plan - popularly referred to as the "Kitchen Accord." The plan gave provinces a way of temporarily avoiding some parts of the Charter, This led to stronger support from the provinces and opened the way for a Constitution that included a Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Charter is a part of the Constitution Act, 1982; all of which is in the Canada Act, 1982. Receiving the approval of the Britain for the last time, on April 17, 1982 in Ottawa, Queen Elizabeth II signed the Canada Act, 1982. This gave Canada control over its Constitution. The guarantee of rights and freedoms in the Charter became part of the supreme law of the land. who is it for Before the Charter there was an act called the British North-American act, which was passed by the government in 1867. Today it is called the Canadianconstitution. This act founded Canada as it's own nation. In 1960, the federal government passed a bill called the Billof Rights. This was the very first stage before the charter was born. The Canadian government didn't like this because they wanted to be independent.In 1980, there was an all-party committee to see what people thought of the Charter. They listend to lots of people share their thoughts no matter who they were or if they hadproblems or not. On October 4, 1981 the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was born and entered into Canada History Why was it created? Where did it come from? What is on it? Our rights and responsibilities are all on a piece of paper, that paper protect us and our rights it has all our rights so we can always know what they are and so people don't violate them. how is it present in the real world? 2014 People use inthe court room if they feel that their rights are violated, or abused
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