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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 By Ludjy Masson Santana Types of Goverments Types of Goverments Eurasia Parliamentary SystemTotalitarianism Confideral SystemUnitary System MonarchyRegimeSovereignty Africa Parliamentary SystemRepublicsDemocracyMonarchy Theocracy North America Federal SystemPresidential SystemDemocracyRepublic Legitimacy Australia Federal SystemMonarchyDemocracyLegitimacy Antarctica Anarchy SouthAmerica Presidential SystemDemocracy Governments Governments Sovereignty is a right to have power over a group of people Legitimacy is power given from the permission of the peopleRegime is the ruling system of government Types of Goverments Types of Goverments Governments System Governments System EX:Empires & RulersEX:Presidents EX:King & Queens EX:Great Britain & China EX:Great Britain & China Unitary System is one single independent nationstate where a central government holds all the power of the people.Confederal System is the smaller state government holds all the power and tells the central government what to do.Federal System is that the power are equally shared between the strong central government and smaller state government.Parliamentary System is that the government is controlled by a large group of representatives elected by the people.Presidential System is that a president is elected and serves separately from the congress or parliament. Unitary System is one single independent nation-state where a central government holds all the power of the people.Confederal System is the smaller state government holds all the power and tells the central government what to do.Federal System is that the power are equally shared between the strong central government and smaller state government.Parliamentary System is that the government is controlled by a large group of representatives elected by the people.Presidential System is that a president is elected and serves separately from the congress or parliament. EX: Switzerland & Soviet Union EX: Switzerland & Soviet Union EX: U.S.A & Australia EX: U.S.A & Australia EX: U.S.A & Brazil EX: U.S.A & Brazil Democracy is that citizens have the most power and make the decisions Republic is a type of democracy in which citizens hold the power and vote through elected representatives Monarchy is that one ruler has all the power and ruler comes from the familyTheocracy is that a religious leader has the control and laws are based on religion Oligarchy is power controlled by a small group of people Anarchy is a society without any laws or permanent government TotalitarianismDictatorshipAutocracy is that ruler takes over by force and controls the peoples life Democracy is that citizens have the most power and make the decisions Republic is a type of democracy in which citizens hold the power and vote through elected representatives Monarchy is that one ruler has all the power and ruler comes from the familyTheocracy is that a religious leader has the control and laws are based on religion Oligarchy is power controlled by a small group of people Anarchy is a society without any laws or permanent government Totalitarianism/Dictatorship/Autocracy is that ruler takes over by force and controls the peoples life EX:America & Athens in Ancient Greece EX:America & Athens in Ancient Greece EX:Ancient Rome EX:Ancient Rome EX:England & Ancient Egypt EX:England & Ancient Egypt EX:The Pope EX:The Pope EX:Sparta in Ancient Greece EX:Sparta in Ancient Greece EX:Antarctica & The perch anarchy EX:Antarctica & The perch anarchy EX:Communism, Fascism, Nazism EX:Communism, Fascism, Nazism
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