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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Lord of the Flies Connection Report What is effective leadership Quote Quote Explanation #1 #2 Historical In 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. walked with 250,000 men and women in Washington D.C. This displayed effective leadership because he inspired, with his good deeds and words, men and women to stand up against racial prejudice and speak up for what is right. After the march, Dr. King spoke the famous words I have a dream…” and moved the thousands of people. He was a role model of peaceful opposition and he led to the civil rights movement. He gave hope to the hopeless, courage to the fearful, and a voice to those whose were taken away. But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. In 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. walked with 250,000 men and women in Washington D.C. This displayed effective leadership because he inspired, with his good deeds and words, men and women to stand up against racial prejudice and speak up for what is right. After the march, Dr. King spoke the famous words I have a dream…” and moved the thousands of people. He was a role model of peaceful opposition and he led to the civil rights movement. He gave hope to the hopeless, courage to the fearful, and a voice to those whose were taken away. But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. Current Event New York Plan for Ebola8 Hospitals within the state of NY that are designated to treat Ebola, train health workers in the selected hospitals to treat ebola Have infectious disease workers in clinics and other public places,have public screenings at JFK also ask a detailed questionnaire for people that originated from west Africa.This is effective leadership because political leaders are looking towards the benefit and health of their people, also how The state designating hospitals has helped train the right people for the job, unlike Texas whoseebola plan was unorganized causing lab workers and nurses to contract ebola. Current Event the ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. This battle started after the planes were shot down the ukraine were blaming russia and Russia blaming ukraine. Though, Ukraine is currently testing the durability of that deal, by staggeringly advancing troops, and coordinating artillery towards the Russian armies. Also, that putin is isolating russia US has denied the request for weapons the ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. This battle started after the planes were shot down the ukraine were blaming russia and Russia blaming ukraine. Though, Ukraine is currently testing the durability of that deal, by staggeringly advancing troops, and coordinating artillery towards the Russian armies. Also, that putin is isolating russia US has denied the request for weapons The question: How does a society maintain order?” Is greatly reflective on our social sphere. One way that this is evident, is how our local government functions, and whether that is effective.Earlier in the year, heroin passed alcohol in the most used drug in Bucks Counry. Bucks Countys government has realized this crisis and says, This is of epidemic proportion. About 50% of people that die because of a drug overdose, is caused by heroin. Our local government has plans to boost funding to rehabilitation buildings, and to increase awareness of the effects of what drugs do to the body; all in attempt to decrease the amount of drug users in our state. Our social sphere is always going to be affected by our countrys leaders. The effect can be negative or the effect could benefit us. Good leadership such as Abraham Lincolns presidency, which lead us out of the darkness of slavery and into the light of industry and creationism. An example of bad leadership would be the tyrant Kim Jong Un in North Korea. He continues to starve his people and is blind to the awful decisions that he is making that are digging the countrys own grave. We are affected by good leadership in many ways. A few include decreases in prices, and the overall state of living in our communities. Bad leadership affects us in ways such as loss of faith in our government, and the increase of tension between the two political parties that could tear our country apart. Social Sphere Social Sphere “’You hunters! You can laugh!But I tell you smoke is more important than the pig, however often youkill one.Do all of you see?’He spread his arms wide and turned to the whole triangle.Weve got to make smoke up there or die.’” Quote An effective leader tries to keep everyone sane and tries to do what right for the people,which is exactly what Ralph is doing. Ralph ,being a prime example of an effective leader,is trying his hardest to make practical plans that can help the boys get rescued. He is saying that the boys should make smoke,so they can be saved, and if they dont they will die. In the mid 1800s James K Polk established the idea of manifest destiny which said that it was our God given right as Americansto expand our country from the east to the west. During his presidency, Polk signed the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which gave land owned by Mexico to the united states after the Mexican American War. Then people from the east packed up their belongings and moved across the country. It was up to the groups of people who werestarting their journey from Independence, MO to start a new life and society in the unsettled land of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. They had to start towns and communities from scratch and elect leaders that they did not know. "I got the conch!" There was the sound of a brief tussle and the conch moved to and fro."You gimme the conch back!" Ralph pushed between them and got a thump on the chest. He wrestled the conch from someone and sat down breathlessly."There's too much talk about ghosts. We ought to have left all this for daylight." A hushed and anonymous voice broke in. "Perhaps that's what the beast is--a ghost."The assembly was shaken as by a wind."There's too much talking out of turn," Ralph said, "because we can't have proper assemblies if you don't stick to the rule (pg.90) In this quote, Ralph is showing effective leadership because he is trying to keep everything on the island in control and in order. In this quote, Jack and Piggy were arguing over who got the conch,because both of them wanted to speak. Ralph,showing supremacy, decided to intervene with the fight between the two boys. He went in between them and took the conch so neither of them could have it. This move by Ralph was a good example of effective leadership because he is keeping all the boys civil and in control. Thats what the shellis called. Ill give the conch to the next person to speak. Hecan hold it when hesspeaking. (pg. 33) This quote relates toour first big question because the quote explains how the conch is going to be the free speech object, so whoever has it can speak. If one does not have the conch, then they are not allowedto speak. The conchkeeps everyone inorder because without it everyone would be talking at one time, causing chaos between the boys on the island.
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