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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The body is white or cream colored with distinctive red to reddishbrownvertical stripes covering the head and body.They have fleshy tentacles above their eyes and below the mouth; fan-like pectoral fins; and long, separated dorsal spines.An adult lionfish can grow as large as 18 inches, while juveniles may be as small as one inch or less. vhemes = visual + themesstart by dragging a predesigned vheme onto the canvas drag and drop icons,shapes, text or upload your own from our extensive library of artwork your artboard start from scratch[clears the canvas] OBJECTS Lion Fish Pterois volitans Native Range: South Pacific and Indian Oceans. Non-Native Range:The lionfish is now well established throughout most of the Caribbean to North Carolina. Lionfish are voracious eaters and prey upon numerous species of fish and crustaceans; this broad diet suggests that this species may become a real threat to many native reef fish populations through direct predation as well ascompetition for food resources with native piscivores and other ecologically important species. Researchers have reported that after lionfish are introduced into a new area, survival of native reef fishes decline by about 80 percent. The aggressive feeding behavior of the lionfish may impact multiple trophic levels by reducing the abundance of herbivorous fishes that keep seaweeds and macroalgae from overgrowing corals. Furthermore, lionfish occupy the same trophic position as economically important species (e.g., snapper and grouper) and may hamper stock rebuilding efforts and coral reef conservation measures. double click to change this header text! In Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS), NOAAs outreach and coordination with nongovernmentalorganizations such as REEF and Mote Marine Laboratory have led to significant reporting andcapture efforts by training and educating divers and snorkelers on how to identify and safely capture lionfish inthe sanctuary. FKNMS and REEF have also sponsored multiple lionfish derbies in the Florida Keys to raisepublic awareness, remove lionfish from the sanctuary, and highlight the fact lionfish can be safely preparedand consumed by the public. The lionfish derbies have been very successful in meeting outreach and removalgoals as well as providing NOAA and USGS scientists with valuable information about stomach contents, ageclassifications, and genetics of the lionfish population.NOAA is also working internationally to advise countries in the Wider Caribbean Region of the threat of lionfish.NOAA will work aggressively with intergovernmental partners, such as the International Coral Reef Initiative(ICRI) and the United Nations Caribbean Environment Program to assist other countries to respond to theinvasion. NOAA has launched an Eat Lionfish campaign aimed at promoting consumption of lionfish. In partnershipwith the Reef Environmental Education Foundation, Chef Barton Seaver, and sustainable seafood proprietorSean Dimin; NOAA is promoting lionfish as a sustainable seafood choice through multiple media outlets.
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