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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Bike trip to Ladakh (All the things you need to know) Bike trip to Ladakh (All the things you need to know) Points to be kept in mind Before Planning a Bike Trip : Points to be kept in mind Before Planning a Bike Trip : Acclimatization ATMs Petrol pump Acute Mountain Sickness Innerline Permits Ladakh tour Iteneries Acclimatization in Ladakh Acclimatization in Ladakh How to deal with high altitude & adapt the conditions ? How to deal with high altitude & adapt the conditions ? While planning your trip to Ladakh, Acclimatization is one of the most vital aspect of theitinerary sketching and should be given utmost importance. The rule is not to rush yourLadakh trip and give proper time for acclimatization. Few points to keep in mind for a safe & enjoyable trip : Few points to keep in mind for a safe & enjoyable trip :- Physical fitness is the first and the foremost thing you need to consider while undertaking a trip to Ladakh region. Increase your altitude gradually and compensate ascent with rest atplaces to acclimatize. Due to the low atmospheric pressure, it is necessary for a tourist to take therest of around 2 days after reaching Leh. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, heart ailments and asthma, kindly abstain yourself from planning a trip to Leh Ladakh. During the cold weather, cover your head and ears with something warm. Dont exert yourself physically too much. Low level of oxygen could leadto fatique in an instance and it would be literally very difficult to catch yourbreath .You might feel the earth go round or even fall unconscious. If you notice any early warning symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizzinessand fatigue, take immediate rest and descend if you are on high altitude withoutany delay. If you notice any early warning symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizzinessand fatigue, take immediate rest and descend if you are on high altitude withoutany delay. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol on high altitude to prevent sickness. Map Source courtesy : Map Source courtesy : Tips related to Routes :- Tips related to Routes :- If you are taking Leh-Manali Highway then stop at Keylong, Jispa, Darcha & avoid ifpossible staying at Sarchu; else if you are taking Leh-Srinagar Highwayyou shouldspend overnight at Kargil ( I am assuming that you have already spent a night in Manali or Srinagar respectively). If you are flying directly to Leh and 2 days should be the minimum time spent in Lehfor acclimatization. During this period short detours to Thiksey, Hemis, Shey, Nimooand Stok etc. to visit monasteries and palaces are always open for you to choose. What you need to pack for Ladakh Trip ? What you need to pack for Ladakh Trip ? Clothing & other essential stuff : Clothing & other essential stuff : At least 2 Jackets and 2-3 pullovers. A pair of hand gloves preferably woolen, and warm clothes/caps to cover your ear.and necks especially so if you are a rider . Soaps, towels, general medicines, bandages etc 2-3 pairs of thermocot inners, 4-5 pairs of socks (must for bikers) Good waterproof shoes for trekking and riding in case you are a biker as youdhave to face water streams on high mountain passes like Chang La, BaralachaLa and others . One warm sleeping bag if you are planning to camp along the route . Carry some vital medicines for Acute Mountain Sickness such as Avomine,Dexamethasone,Diamox and Acetazolamide . Stuff you need while riding : Stuff you need while riding : Raincoat A pair of good raincoats as more often than not riders to face rain After crossingChandigarh and before crossing Rohtang La Pass on Leh- Manali Highway. On Srinagar-Leh Highway you are more likely to get caught in the rain until you reachZoji La. Waterproof Gloves & Boots Gloves to keep your hand from getting wet ,Boots to keep your feet, shoes and socks from getting wet at water stream flowing on passes especially the one atBaralacha La which is one of the most vicious another tough water stream to cross is at Chang La. Spare tube, puncture kit, clutch wire, break wire, chain lock, gear oil, engine oil, spark plugs & Petrol Canister with at least 10-20 litres petrol . Innerline Permit Innerline Permit The good news this year (2014) is that Indian won't require any inner line permits to visit destinations in Ladakh. As per the new circular issued by the office of District Magistrate of Leh,Indian Nationals will no longer need to apply for inner line permits to visitcertain inner areas like Turtuk, Panamik, Khaltse, Pangong, Changthang,Hunder, Nubra Valley Tso Kar and Tso Moriri etc. in Ladakh. But you would need to carry your Nationality ID proof (Driving Licence, Voter ID etc.) which will have to be presented at certain check postswhere earlier Indians were required to submit a copy of inner line permit. But still you are on a motorcycle and your route involve crossing or travelling toHanle, Chusul, Tsaga, beyond Loma bend, Chumur,MarsimikLa, Batalik sectorsthen you'd still need to apply for and obtain inner line permits as per the earlierprocedure before traveling to these places How to obtain Inner Line Permits in Ladakh ? How to obtain Inner Line Permits in Ladakh ? To visit certain inner areas like Turtuk, Panamik, Khaltse, Pangong, Changthang,Hunder, Tso Kar and Tso Moriri etc.In Ladakh even all residents even foreign residents need to obtain innerline permits.. Visiting Hanle, Chusul (for Pangong to Tso Mori RI by road), Tsaga, beyond Loma bend, Chumur, Marsimik La, Batalik sectors will still require Indian Nationals to obtain inner line permits. Travelers from overseas (with exception of residents of Burma, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan) need to obtain Protected Area Permit (PAP) to visit the aboveplaces. In case of foreigners,the permit is issued only for a group with four or more foreign tourists. For foreign tourists, it is also mandatory to go through a registered travel agent in order to obtain the Permit. Innerline Permits for Indian nationals are legitimate up to 3 weeks and Protectedarea Permit is issued for a most extreme of 7 days. You have to re-seek the sameon the off chance that you are wanting to visit more remote ranges in Ladakh locale. Traveling to Suru and Zanskar Valley does not require inner line permits.Foreignvisitors can't go beyong Merak Village in Pangong or Mahe Village in the Changthang. The application forms for obtaining the permit is easily available at the stationary shop just behind the Leh DC office. Leh DC office opens at 9.00 AM and application for permits are usually not accepted after 03:00 PM (The office remains closed on Sundays & National Holidays). The fee required for the permit is Rs. 200 per person as environment tax + Rs. 20per person per day as wild life protection fee and Rs. 10 Red Cross Donation. Carry a valid photo ID and photocopies of your proof of Nationality(Passport, DL,Voters ID etc.) One person may apply for entire group provided he/she is carrying attested photocopy of proof of nationality of all member in the group. After acquiring the permit make sure that you carry 4-5 copies of the permits and photo id proof. You may require to subit them at certain checkposts by the militarypersonnel who track entry and exit at certain points to check if a tourist has returnedor not. Mention all major places you are traveling to in the permit i.e. if you are spending nightin Spangmik you need to mention only Pangong Lake. Certain places and in some cases even routes need to be mentioned. Accommodation in Ladakh Accommodation in Ladakh Due to the conditions and nature of Ladakh region, luxury hotel properties or accommodation are not available in the region. Theres one luxury hotel in Lehtown by the name of Grand Dragon. At other places youll find budget and deluxe or even luxury tents & camps some with basic facilities and some with running hot waters & attached western toilets.Home stays are easily available at most of the places with basic facilities & wouldcost 150-200 per person for the night. Luxury Camps with attached toilets and running hot water will cost you around 3000to 5000 for two person. Specimen of Innerline Permit form Specimen of Innerline Permit form Accommodation for Bikers along LehManali and LehSrinagar Highway : Accommodation for Bikers along Leh-Manali and Leh-Srinagar Highway : For bikers accommodation is available all along the route on both Leh-Manali and Leh-Srinagar Highway.To allow for acclimatization, bikers taking Leh-Manali Highway, accommodation is available at Keylong, Jispa, Darcha and Sarchu and one should stay for the night at one of the places. Most of the bikers stay at camps in Sarchu. But if you have arrived at Zingzing Bar late in the afternoon, avoid crossing Baralacha La as the water stream which crosses the road onthis pass gets dangerous to cross due to strong current. Petrol Pumps in Leh Ladakh Petrol Pumps in Leh Ladakh If you are traveling by road and doing Ladakh by Motorcycle or 4 Wheeler, you need toknow where the petrol pumps are and when you need to keep reserve petrol in cans &jars so that you dont run out of fuel on the highway. This is imperative especially if you have chosen Leh-Manali Highway for your road trip. The last petrol pump that youll find on this route is located at Tandi and the next one is at Karu which is around 380 kms away. It is always advisable to carry petrol in reserve so that you dont get stranded just because you ran out of petrol. At some places petrol are available at local shops and residences near roadside settlementsalong the route but you need to pay luxury surcharge to buy them and the quality of petrol isnot guaranteed. You need not worry about petrol or fuel if you are taking Leh-Srinagar Highway as youd findenough petrol pumps en route. ATM in Leh Ladakh ATM in Leh Ladakh Except from some antique shops, credit cards are not accepted by any of the hotels and travel agents .Therefore, carry a good amount of cash with you . ATMs of several bankslike SBI, Axis Bank, J&K Bank, PNB etc. are available in Leh Town from where you couldeasily withdraw as per your need. More interior places like Pangong, Changthang etc.dont have that facility so carry your cash when traveling to inner areas in Ladakh region. InfoGraphics by : InfoGraphics by : +9192 000 000 99 +9192 000 000 99 Keep Smiling while you Travel India with us..Ask your Smile Guru.
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