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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Kite Runner "This is one of those unforgettable stories that stays with you for years. All of the great themes of literature and of life are the fabric of this extraordinary novel: love, honor, guilt, fear, redemption." -Isabel Allende Copyright: San Francisco Chronicle 2015 San Francisco ChronicleBy: Grace Gallagher #1 New York Times Bestseller? by: Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini tells a powerful story of two young boys and their lives living in communist Afghanistan, which later comes to power under the Taliban. The story entails many themes including betrayal, redemption, loyalty, persistence of past, and more. Amir is a young boy who is in search of love from his father who seems to favor Hassan, their familys servants son. The two young boys, Amir and Hassan, have been close since birth, but one winter changes the course of life for many characters. The book gives the reader a sense of what Afghan culture is like and how the people find pastimes such as kite running. Throughout the book the reader travels through Amirs mind and the difficulties he is faced with at such a young age, similar to many children in current Afghanistan; suggesting that without a stable government it is difficult for families to support each other. Hosseini keeps the reader on their seat with every page. There is never a dull moment where the characters do not seem to be sitting right next to you. The language and technique of the author leaves you craving for the next book. Many life lessons are intertwined in the story that not only leaves entertainment but food for thought. The heartwarming story has its cold edges, but as you travel through the novel you are able to grasp the bond between the two boys that shows friendship may not always come easy, but it has its rewards. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini tells a powerful story of two young boys and their lives living in communist Afghanistan, which later comes to power under the Taliban. The story entails many themes including betrayal, redemption,loyalty, persistence of past, and more. Amir is a young boy who is in search oflove from his father who seems to favor Hassan, their familys servants son. The two young boys, Amir and Hassan, have been close since birth, but one winter changes the course of life for many characters. The book gives the reader a sense of what Afghan culture is like and how the people find pastimes such as kite running. Throughout the book the reader travels through Amirs mind and the difficulties he is faced with at such a young age, similar to many children in current Afghanistan; suggesting that without a stable government it is difficult for families to support each other. Hosseini keeps the reader on their seat with every page. There is never a dull moment where the characters do not seem to be sitting right next to you. The language and technique of the author leaves you craving for the next book. Many life lessons are intertwined in the story that not only leaves entertainment but food for thought. The heartwarming story has its cold edges, but as you travel through the novel you are able to grasp the bond between the two boys that shows friendship may not always come easy, but it has its rewards.
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