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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 SENSORS Joaquin Muslera4to Temperature sensors pH sensors Humidity sensors Light sensors Sensors are used to send data to a computer where the data is processed.In monitoring, the computer simply reviews the data from the sensors and updates its file.While in CONTROL APPLICATIONS, the computer againreviews data form the sensors. but if values are outsidethe given parameters it takes action to try and get the valueswithin acceptable ranges. Sensors are used to send data to a computer where the data is processed.In monitoring, the computer simply reviews the data from the sensors and updates its file.While in CONTROL APPLICATIONS, the computer againreviews data form the sensors. but if values are outsidethe given parameters it takes action to try and get the valueswithin acceptable ranges. temperature and pH sensors read data from chemical processes. sensors send analogue data to a computer.For the computer to read this data an ADC is used to transform analogue data into digital data so that the computer can read the data. examples: chemical processes, automatic greenhouses and environmental monitoring greenhouses, envoronmental monitoring and factories(with high moisture levels). Examples:automatic doors, alarm sytems or street light control. Control Systems Multimedia presenations: Multimedia presenations: the presentations are produced using one of the many software packages and then used with a multimedia projector so that the audience is able to see the presentation. benefits contrasts The use of sounds and animation effects.Interactive build to the presentation.It´s more likely to attract the audience´s attention. It is expensive, as special equipment is required.The access of internet is needed. Paper-based presentation: it is always posible to produce presentations in a hardcopy format rather the system described above. advantages: disable people do not have to go to the venue to see the presentations.the recipient can read the presentation at any time they want. disadvantages: there are no special effects.there are printing costs. flyers and posters. advantages: flyers and posters can be produced very easily using one of the many software packages available:most common WORD PROCESSORS and DESKTOP PUBLISHERS usually have photosto create one you have to first a word processor or DTP aplication is opened.then, the user creates frames boxes and text boxes.if necessary photos are taken with the camera.the images are uploaded from the camera.the photos are saved to a file.the photos are imported to the document.the photos are edited and text typed in from a file and then put into the required style. it is posible to use websites for advertising and communications. Websites ability to add sound/video/animationthe use of hot spots.links to other websites. disadvantages: Websites can be hacked and modified.lack of portability compared to paper based system.need of a computer and internet connection. music production the generation and the productiuon of music scores can now be done by computers. appropriate software: music notes are automatically samples and mixtures allow the tracks to be modified.electronic instruments can play back through electronic effect machines. Cartoon animations animation can beproduced using computer hardware and software. with 3D animation.objects are designed on a computer and a 3D skeleton produced. the parts of the skeleton are moved by the animator using key frames.the difference in the apearance of the skeleton in these key automatically calculated by the software, and is known as:TWEENING or MORPHINGThe final stage is to make a realistic image by a technique known as rendering.
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