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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Warnings, Reactions, and Death (Fate vs Freewill) Brutus (1) "Beware the Ides of March" (1.2.108). (2) A warning from Artemidorus Hail, Caesar! Read this schedule (3.1.3). Although there were many warnings within the days before Caesars murder, they were ignored. Along with this Brutus also had warnings of his death, where he letguilt take control and ended up killinghimself. Warnings Favoring Brutus Caesar Warnings Favoring Caesar Caesar was warned manytimes, even by himself,but he was still murderedon the senate after givingan arrogant speech, andbeing betrayed by Brutus.He had caused his own death by ignoring all the warnings hereceived. Brutus was first warnedthat he would kill Caesar,and he knew, but did notknow what would come outof doing so. After his wife killedherself and he sees ghosts of Caesar, the guilt overwhelms Brutus and he commits suicide. (7) Brutus agrees to help conspirators to kill Caesar (2.1). (6) Violent weather when discussing the plan (2.1). (10) Ghosts shown throughout the final act warn Brutus of his suicide (5). (3) "And ghosts did shriek and squeal about the streets" (2.2.24) (Calphurnia's dream). (4) "Do not go forth today" (2.2.50) A direct warning from Calphurnia. Caesar gave himself a warning by giving a arrogant speech (3.1) (8) "She is dead. . . And, her attendants absent, swallow'd fire" (4.3.153-161). Brutus statesthat Portia killed herself. "Caesar, now be still, I kill'd not thee with half so good a will" (5.5.50-51). Commits his guilt to Caesar
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