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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 91% of the glaciers are receding Increased population growth causes greater need for urbanization. Every year, we lose 13 million hectares of forests, the equivalent of 36 footballfields per minute. Transferring species to another habitat (invasive species) causes hybridization,diesease, predation and competition. Over fishing,over harvesting and over hunting threatens all wildlife, the species itself and the other species and ecosystems that depend on them. We are harvesting species at a rate faster than they can recover. This leads to habitat degradation. Successive loss of species is estimated to be 1000-10000 times greater than the natural extinction rate (the rate of species extinctions that would occur if we humans were not around.) There is a key to economic sustainability. Species cannot adaptfast enough to thesedrastic changes i.e. climate change, habitat alteration and habitatdestruction. Beluga whales in the St. Lawrence River contain such a high concentration of PCBs, and DDT that dead belugas are considered toxic waste. The American alligator is on the vergeof extinction because it was hunted without limits. However, the American Alligator was a keystone species. The American Alligatorwas regulating the population of gar, a big fish eating all the game fish. Less than five percent of the ocean has been discovered, yet only 0.8% of oceans are protected and only 0.08% constitute marine reserves. We can change. Reduce, reuse and recycle. Limit use of lawn fertilizer and pesticides. Compost to reduce waste. Use as a natural fertilizer. Conserve energy. Plant native flowers to bring back the honeybees. Why do YOU need biodiversity? Biodiversity provides variety of genes which increases an ecosystem's chance to endure during natural hazards. Biodiversity provides variety of plant species that contribute to modern medicine. Biodiversity enables an ecosystem to provide services to all species.e.g. decomposition and pollination. The value of global ecosystem services is estimated as $16-64 trillion. 67% of people do not know what biodiversity is. Become aware. Environmental quality is everybody's buisness. 39% New species introduction 23% Hunting Other 2% Potatoes, bananas and other important crops are mostly only derived from certain genetic strains. The reservoir of genetic traits present in wild varieties is only able through biodiversity. 3947 CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES Dirty water is the world's biggest health risk. It picks up toxic chemicals, trash and disease-carrying organisms along the way which causes drinking water contamination, habitat degradation and beach closures. HUMAN INFLUENCE CREATING A DETERIORATING WORLD Loss of a keystone species, a species who is greatly depended on will in turn destroy the whole ecosystem of their habitat. Biodiversity is the variety of life interacting in an ecosystem. Plants, animals and climate work together to maintain balance in nature in order to survive. Human activities are effecting this perfect system. Invest in biodiversity! Its effects are long term! Deforestation, use of pesticides, fertilizer, and technology have consequences! 36% Habitat destruction
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