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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Irritable Bowel Syndrome The Digestive System The digestive system deals with taking nutrients from foods and liquids you consume. This system starts in the mouth, where the food is crunched down by teeth and broken down byamylase inside saliva to a compound that you can absorb inside your stomach and intestines. After coming through the mouth, the foodwill enter the esophagus, which is a muscular tube only there to transport the food towardsthe stomach for the next step in the digestionprocess. The stomach is very acidic, because of theamount of enzymes located in here to break down the food. The food well enter here and the endocrine system will release enzymes tomake the food into a size that will be easy for the small intestine to use. In this section known as the small intestinewhich is a 22 foot muscle tube, food is convertedinto absorbable nutrients, and then absorbed.starting off as semi-solid when entering the small intestine, the food will go through and the nutrientswill be diffused into the blood stream of the intestinewall. The food will come out of the small intestine into the large intestine as a liquid. The large intestine, or colon, is a muscular 6 foot tube connecting the small intestine to therectum. In this colon, water is removed from the waste and put into the body. Throughout the waste'strave through the colon, it will become solid, so it is easier for the rectum to release the stool, or solidwaste. The rectum is practically a storage unit for thewaste. In here, the waste will wait until it is a good time to be released. Signals are sent to the brainasking if it is a good time, and if it is, muscles willcontract and let it out. If not, the feeling will go awaytemporarily. The rectum connects the colon to theanus. The final stage, the anus is where the stool isreleased. In here, there are muscles that will let it out or hold it in. Symptoms: The symptoms of IBS include strained rectums,tender abdominal area, abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, diarrhea and constipationoff and on, and mucus located in stool. Affects on Digestive System: IBS affects the digestive system by giving you all of the symptoms above, change in diet, and include many other effects that do not relate to only the digestive system such as sleeping issues, physical activity rates, hormonalchanges, and a lot of pain throughout theentire body. Treatment: For this disorder, there are some types of treatments but are not directly fighting against the IBS because the causes of IBSare unknown at the moment. The treatment will ususally be for relieving pain. Some waysto treat this disorder is to change your dietand lifestyle. Don't eat foods that trigger it, sleep, get fluids, and exercise. There are alsoanti-diarrheal medicine and other medicines torelieve pain. Detection: IBS is a hard disease to detect mainly becausethere is no known cause for it. The normal firstsymptom would be abdominal pain, and is the only was to detect the disorder; through the symptoms. Prognosis: For IBS, there really isn't a long-term effect,other than what you are already going through on a short-term scale. IBS is notgoing to physically limit you, neither is it life-threatening or fatal. Artie HazeltonHerndonBio for BiotechDecember 4, 2014
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