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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 all aboard to seneca *I'm going to seneca so i canget a degree in human resources in the future.*what motivates me is that i wasn'tinterested in the last program that I was in and how that led me to wasting my money and time. *The resources i will use to help me succeed are the learning centre, library, career services and lastly the degree transfer. *The grades i hope to achieve is in the over 70% range currently i have a 3.0 that I'm trying my best to maintain *To get more involved in the school I'm going to join clubs and attend networking and school social events. *The area i have to focus on is my organization, time management, math and english skills *To manage my time i use my calendar to write down when i have tests and also when assignments are due further more i also set reminders in my phone that notify me up coming due dates. *To Inprove my academic performance i will use the learning centre resources at school, help from teachers and also studying one week before a test *Factors that will take me off my plan would be hanging out with my friends when i should be studying, partying and getting behind on assignments *My plans for next semester is to maintain a 3.0 GPA and also get a CO-OP at a good placement *After leaving seneca my plans are to get in to York university get my degree so i can get my CHRP designation and finally get a job at a well recognized firm.
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