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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 2009 2010 Lorem Sit In the Mindfluence YOUniverse, people aren't market segments to be exploited,but real people in desperate need of what you offer. Instead of marketing, enlightenedentrepreneurs embrace "outreach," which uses strategies such as face-to-facecommunication, referrals, education, and professional networking. Outreach is not onlyvastly more effective than traditional marketing, it's almost always free. Inspiration Outreach strategies are really just the gateway to connection, which is the beginning of therelationship process. Connection begins with respect (seeing you as an expert authority),then grows with familiarity, and fully blossoms with trust (believing that you have theirbest interests at heart). Outreach Influence Education In the Mindfluence YOUniverse, businesses don't ever have to sell. Instead, they master the artof ethical influence. Selling is transactional; influence is relational. By stepping into your power asan expert professional, you earn the right to guide people toward the outcomes that are in theirown best interests. That's not only more pleasant than selling, it's far more effective! When you focus on gaining trust and making a contribution instead ofgaining customers and making sales, you tap into an unlimited organicflow of business and the personal and financial benefits of raving-fanrelationships. Referrals and repeat business become such a force inyour business that you can focus less on outreach and more on yourexisting tribe. The end result is a high level of personal fulfillment, all thewealth you desire, and a legacy of contribution that will echo for generations. First, you must explore and discover your Personal Inspired Message™ (PIM)—the articulate statement that expresses why you do what you do at the highest level. Your PIM is what gets you out of bed in the morning ready to change the world for the better. How to Turn Your Passion into Profitswhile Changing the World. . . Connection Powered by the Mindfluence YOUniverse™ Visit us at Raving-Fan Relationships (The finish line! Woohoo!) By helping people grow in their knowledge or understanding of what you do, you foster an innate humandesire to learn. You make their world a little less scary and a little more manageable. Theywill forever have a subconscious connection to you as the person who enlightenedthem, and the rewards of that education will accrue benefits to you both for a lifetime. Powered by the Mindfluence YOUniverse. Visit us at
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