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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 PREGUNTA Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources 3. 2. The Deutsche Mark lost 75% of it's value during WW1. It was after the war,however, when hyperinflationbegan Meat consumption dropped88% from pre-war levels La adopción de normas especificas de la industria, normas de propiedad o estándares basados en XML para el establecimiento de la interoperabilidad con las empresas cooperantes (por ejemplo, clientes, proveedores y socioscomerciales) aumenta positivamente el impacto de las TIC en eldesempeño financiero de la empresa, el valor ofrecido a los clientes, el rendimientode sus procesos de negocio y de la actividad de innovación de la empresa. post pre Agricultural production dropped 16% The nature of the treaty caused angerand a loss of pride: War Guilt Loss of land 1. Military restrictions Germany lost 13% of its land in the treaty,including 12% ofits population ECONOMIC & SOCIAL NOVEMBERCRIMINALS right wing (USPD) some supportedthe left wing These grievances caused political allegiances to bepolarized following the war: Both attempted revolutions: The army was resicted to 100,000 men with other restrictionsalso taking effect: The newly formed socialistgovernment was blamed- and branded the Sparticist Uprising Jan 1919 Kapp Putch Mar 1920 (Fatherland Party) Conclusión Cost of a loaf of bread: Nov 1923 - 200,000,000,000 D Marks Sept 1922 - 163 D Marks UNA INVESTIGACIÓN EMPÍRICA DEl VALOR EMPRESARIALDE LA INTEROPERABILIDAD DE LOS SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN EN LAS EMPRESAS EUROPEAS 68% of zinc ore possessed 48% of ironore lost 26% of coalresources lost
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