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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 INFORMATION GOVERNANCE POPULATION HEALTH INTELLIGENCE DATA INTEGRITY REDUCED COSTS QUALITY PATIENT CARE AND SAFETY OVERSIGHT AND SECURITY OF PATIENT INFORMATION predictive analysis Establishing an IG Advisory PanelConducting surveys on IG in HealthcarePublishing white papers on IG in healthcareFormulating principles for IG in healthcareCreating a tool for self-assessment of IG maturityDeveloping, refining, and providing IG resources for healthcareProviding updates, references, webinars and forums to raise awareness of the need for IG in healthcare AHIMA IG Initiative institutes accountability audits control CDCICD-9 - ICD-10 Risks of not having Information Governance Incomplete/incomprehensible health records Inability to access and use informationPrivacy and security breachesInability to effectively exchange informationCopy/paste concerns that lead to fraud and abuse allegations * Ability to exchange health information* ensures security of patient information during exchange* More timely processes* Faster and more efficient care Data Mapping EHR Policies and procedures related to Meaningful Use ensure data integrity ACCESSIBILITY 22% of organizations surveyed have not initiateda formal IG program 64% surveyed agreedIG is essential to healthcare 11% of people surveyed that use IG saw overall improvement According to Ahima, predictive analysis .can reduce cost by predicting future employment and service needs *Accuracy and reliability for secondary data collection* increased disease and infection control *Ahima is a leader in the Information Governance Initiative
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