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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 "Maturity of mind is the capacity to endure uncertainty." ...THE IB DIPLOMA THE REQUIREMENTS-Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course: designed to teach you how to examine evidence and assert your point of view in a rational argument.-CAS Hours: CAS involves students in a range of activities alongside their academic studies throughout the Diploma Programme. Creativity encourages students to engage in the arts and creative thinking. Action seeks to develop a healthy lifestyle through physical activity. Service with the community offers a vehicle for a new learning with academic value. The three strands of CAS enhance students personal and interpersonal development through experiential learning and enable journeys of self-discovery. You need 75 hours total in freshman and sophmore year and 150 by the end of junior and senior year.-Extended Essay: decide what topic you will investigate in depth, in consultation with an academic advisor. You will then prepare a 4,000 words essay on it.-Select you core classes from six different subject groups. You will be expected to do in depth study in at least 3 of 6 groups and what is called "standard level" in the remaining groups. -Group 1: your own language -Group 2: another language -Group 3: topics under the heading individuals and societies (economics, philosophy, business, management, history, geography, psychology and social anthropology) -Group 4: experimental sciences (chemistry, biology, physics and environmental systems) -Group 5: mathematics -Group 6: arts and electives (dance, music, painting, film and theater arts)-Score at least 24 points toward your IB diploma. You will earn 3 for your TOK, CAS and 4,000 word essay. Your remaining points will be determined on how well you perform in your subjects from the six groups. These points are granted based on how you do in the classes themselves and how you do on an exam to be graded by someone other than your instructors. WHAT IS IB? -The IB programme encourages students to think broadly, beyond the boundaries of their communities, and to see themselves as members of a global society. It promotes a world view.-The International Baccalaureate Program is a non-profit foundation whose mission is to help students develop the intellectual, personal, emotional, and social skills to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world. -The Diploma Programme prepares students for effective participation in a rapidly evolving and increasingly global society-The IB curriculum is an international programme THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN IB AND AP COURSES -The IB Programme seeks to develop students as creative and analytical thinkers and communicators; coursework relies on class discussions and frequent written response or research projects. AP courses are designed to be hands-on experiential learning opportunities. Whether students are analyzing primary source documents in a history class or monitoring the respiration rate of peas in a biology lab,the delivery of content extends far beyond memorization.-IB teachers work as a team to support students and to connect the curriculum across disciplines. AP teachers work independently or within their discipline to support students. -IB is a two-year program of study that includes 13 courses, an extended essay, and creativity, action and service requirements. AP consists of 21 independent courses. -Any student may take an AP exam whereas only IB students enrolled in the IB program may take IB exams or receive IB credit. -Many AP courses require a significant amount of reading and higher level thinking skills. All IB courses require significant writing skills that develop over the 2 year period, in addition to reading and higher level thinking skills. Students write papers in all subjects, including math, science and the arts.
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