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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 iFixit Mission Statement 20 to 50million tons - Head on over to where you can find guides on thousands of devices.-If you do choose to dispose of your electronics, make sure that the device is being recycled correctly. Do your research to make sure that the medium you take to dispose of your device is not a contributor to e-waste. E-Waste Statistics SOURCES: - E-Waste and its Effects - Electronics contain many harmful chemicals such as mercury. - To properly recycle these devices,they must be taken apart, and the chemicals must be separated.- Devices are not properly recycled. Instead, they are sent to landfills in third world countries, primarly Africa.- The harsh chemicals that are present in the electronics leak into the soil, and they contaminate water supplies in the countries that they are sent to. of electronic products are sent to landfills. 80 to 85% of e-waste aredisposed each year. Only of e-waste is properly recycled. Contributes to of all toxic waste. 70% iFixit donates a portion of every sale they make to a number of non profit organizations. They support an array of causes, some of which are located in Tampa. These efforts are in place to assist communities worldwide. iFixit and Activism Organizations with Branches in Tampa -Doctors Without Boarders (Charter at USF)-Electronic Frontier Foundation-Feed the Children -Free Software Foundation-Greenpeace iFixit in the Community iFixit and Education iFixit teams with universities around the nation, including the University of South Florida, in an effort to educate studentson creating repair guides for numerous devices. As a result... How You Can Impact the Community: - Students receive experience in troubleshooting and creating repair guides for their assigned devices. - iFixit gets closer to their mission of creating repair guides for all electronic devices. - Students gain awareness about e-waste and how to prevent it.- Students also save money by learning to repair their own devices. 12.5% - Doctors Without Borders- Electronic Frontier Foundation- Feed the Children- Free Software Foundation- Greenpeace "Our mission is to make repair accessible and easy for as many people around the world as possible. We want to show theworld how to fix every thing. The easier it is to fix something, the more people will do it."
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