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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Huma nEvol ution The Earliest Hominins The first creature to show rudimentary human specialization is known as Ardipithecus ramidus. It's 4.6 may old remains we're discovered in Ethiopia in 1992. The fossils share some features with living chimpanzees but crucially several significant features of the teeth and forearm bones are shared with later Hominins . Who were our early relatives?? This chart shows the timeline of the human evolution. Scientists used fossils as an evidence to be able to construct a family tree that shows our early ancestors. Noura Mohamed900130420 Homo eractus was the first fossil classified to have human like body proportions and the first to migrate outside Africa. Homo neanderthale nsisevolved 400,000 years ago in Europe. All their physical evidence disappeared 30,000 years ago due to the climate changes were modern humans were better adapted. Homo neanderthalens isbegan to evolve 400,000 years ago in Europe.howeve rall their physical evidence disappeared 30,000 years ago as the ice age climate flactuations were modern humans were better adapted than Neanderthals . Fossil Evidence From Bact eriat o Us Most scientists agree that all plants and animals and living organisms in general are descendants from a certain type of bacteria. This hypothesis is based on the evidence that the first form of life that appeared on Earth was the unicellular bacteria stromatolites. In abundance of oxygen , multiple cells were able to combine and form multicellular organisms that are more complex.
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