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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Wittenberg Lisbon Rome Florence Sticking in Italy; Time for Rome! Last but Not Least; Lisbon! Next Stop; Florence, Italy! Rome is a bit special! Not only was it a part of the renaissance,but it was also a part of the counter reformationeffort. We'll be focusing on the latter, though,since we've already talked about the renaissance.The counter-reformation effort was set forwardby the Catholic church, and controlled by them as well.Rome soon become a melting pot of art and culture.During the counter-reformation, however, therewere many forms of art, mainly literature, that wasdeemed inappropriate for that time. It was said that these forms of literature were corrupting mindsand making them think other than 'what they weresupposed to'. They, the church, made a pamphlet (shownhere) of banned books to "save" the weak minded. Lisbon, Portugal is another place that was involved in multiple periods of time. During the Renaissance Era,though, they were a huge part of European exploration.Most of the travelers to the new worlds were Portugueseand that explains why Brazilian people speak BrazilianPortuguese, since they had visited and stayed in thatland. They had contact with West Africa, and had dominance in that contact, allowing them to have a hold over the slaves from that region. Although they are mainly known for the European exploration, they also were a hot spot forrenaissance art, as pictured in the side. Florence is an art filled city-state of Italy; it's history going way back. One of the most important parts of Florence's history, thoughwas the renaissance. It hosted some ofthe most beautiful art and architecture, as shown in the picture. During the renaissance, many important art discoveriesand inventions were made; affecting modernlife. Have you ever seen a dome, or a column?What about the Mona Lisa, or some of Michelangelo'ssculptures? They are all stemmed from the samesoil; the renaissance. Wittenberg, Germany is a historical place, being the place wherereformation had taken place. Martin Luther, a sort of leader of this,spoke against the Catholic church and complained. Although he merelyignited the reformation against the Catholic church, he was not the onewho sparked the idea. Previous men before him, such as John Wycliffeand Jan Hus were the ones who did. All-Saints Church in Wittenberg is an appropriate picturefor this place for these reasons. Itinerary of Europe First Stop- Wittenberg, Germany!
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