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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 1 2 3 4 How A BillBecomes A Law Step 1 Sent to Standing Commitee Step 5 Step 3 Step 6 First Reading 3rd Reading Vote on Bill ConferenceCommittee Step 7 Step 10 Sent to RulesCommittee Simple majority vote (50%+1) house: 218/435 senate: 51/100 Step 8 Repeats steps 1-7 just in the oppositechamber as before. Part of checks and balances is having both chambers vote. President has 4 choices:Sign it - So it becomes a law. Veto it - Kill it. (Unless over ridden by 2/3 congress in both chambers.)Pocket Veto - If after 10 days congress adjourns, the bill dies. Hold - If he doesn't sign it within 10 days, the bill automatically becomes a law. Sent toPresident Makes the original bill identicalto the newlyrevised bill. Step 2 Step 9 This is apermanent committeewhere they write, ammend,and work on bills. 90% of work is done here.90% of bills never leavethis point. Step 6 Acts as a "traffic cop" because it determines when the bill can move on to its next step. Only in the house because they are just allowed a limited debate. Take the bill from the hopper and introduce it.Any bills that hasto do withmoney starts in the house. The entire chamber discusses and debates the bill starting with the sponsor.They only get the floor once, so ifthey are wanting to filibuster they have to be standing and talking the entire time.The filibuster is done by the minority partybecause they would disagree with the bill. A filibuster can be stopped with a 3/5 vote of cloture. Sent to Other Chamber 2nd Reading Bill goes back to the floor to be re-"read". The bill was in committee for several months right beforethis point. Step 5 3rd Reading Step 4 1. Rec. "Do Pass" -goes to the floor. 2. Kill it -Bill dies. 3. Pigeon Hole -Held in committee and buried away. 4.Recommend 'Do Not Pass' (rare) -goes to floor.-Any choice must get simple majority vote(50%+1) in order tomove on. VS. Commitee Has 4 Options Kara Slater p.5
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