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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Holiday Wine Gift Giving Guide For All Your Winter Guests The Holiday Wine Gift Giving Guide For All Your Winter Guests For Happier Holidays For Happier Holidays By: Sarah Freeman Presented By: Winerist Presented By: Winerist Social ButterflySecond Cousin Beatrice Politically Argumentative Drunk Uncle Andy Over Achieving Brother In Law Brian Hipster Activist Cousin Adam Selectively Hearing Impaired Grandpa Hank Relationship Interrogating Great Aunt Ingrid Uninvited Nosey Neighbor Nancy She arrives with questions she already hasthe answers to. "You know the babyclock is ticking, dear." A nice fullbodied Tempranillo will help her keepher family gossip straight, and leave a chunkytannin on her overly inquisitive tongue. Socially Awkward Foreign Exchange Student Svetlana Only recently of drinking age,the excitable youngster of thefamily needs a beginner's winethat she can learn to both love andafford, such as White Zinfandel. After all, she'll need to shareit with her, like, bazillion friends. Well he obviously knows moreabout wine than you... so all youcan manage is to get him a fineselection which he'll recognize to be as sophisticated and great ashe. Plus, a bonus for you aboutgiving him a bottle of Nebbiolois that instead of having to listento the details of his most recentthesis you'll just get to hear someinformation on the wine's perfectregion of Piedmont. Be it any other evening you'dinsist on knowing where shegot that spare key to your placeand how long she's had it... butit's the holidays, time to put asideany general concerns of safetyor privacy and hand over a light and lush bottle of Carmenere, youknow, spread the uninvited cheer. Tsolikouri seems the obviouschoice to pair with the holidayvegan cookies he brought. He'llsurely enjoy drinking it whilecontemplating solutions to hisobscure political cause of theweek, and he'll be especially pleased to take in a grape thatis old timey and rich with historylike his thrift shop sneakers. Living in a stranger's house abroadis scary enough on its own... butthen the holidays roll around andnow she has to hang with yourcrazy relatives too? Get that girla glass of Gamay ASAP to calmher nerves and transition her fromconfused and chaotic to cool andcollected. You've spent enough familygatherings dodging debates toknow that this right wing trainof slurs has no breaks. Justget on his good side with a bottleof Sangiovese to get the drunkwheels rolling and then move outof the way. The initial upfront assault of flavor that comeswith each sip of Syrah will help keep GrandpaHank from falling asleep at the table. Maybe it'llhelp sharpen up some of his other aging sensesas well...
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