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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 POPULISM The Gilded Age 1873Panic of 1873 occurred, which showed the dramatic increase of Populism in America 1875The Farmer's Alliance formed 1891The Populist Party formed against the Republicans and Democrats 1892James B. Weaver represented the Populist party in the presidential election 1896Populist party fell out from the election of 1896 1900Populism movement ended with the rise of Progressivism Who were the Populists? The Populists were a group of farmers and middle-class people who hoped to counteract of the power of the wealthy by supporting the rights of the common people. Goals of the Populists The Populists took interest in the thoughts and concerns of the common people rather than those of the wealthier people. They called upon the government to reduce economic depressions, regulate the currency, and help farmers who were suffering. They fought for many reforms in government such as free coinage of silver, graduated income tax, direct election of senators, eight hour work days, and the creation of initiatives, referendums, and recalls. Rise of the Populism Fall of the Populists After the 1896 election, the Democratic party adopted many of the Populist values, which caused the party to fade out. In addition, President William McKinley supported the Republicans and did anything to improve their image. He signed the Gold Standard Act in 1900 to establish gold as the primary way to redeem paper money, and was the final action to end populism. With the death of a Populism, American began to see the birth of the Progressive Movement. During the Panic of 1873, America saw a dramatic rise in Populism from the collapse in farming prices and an unresponsive government. Populism evolved from earlier farming movements such as the Granger Movement and the Farmer's Alliance, who helped provide support for farmers who felt isolated and neglected. In 1891, a third political party formed against the Democrats and Republicans to support the common people's concerns. Farmers felt that their needs were not being taken into consideration. During the 1892 election, the Populist's nominated James B. Weaver for president. Populist Party James B. Weaver, Populist candidate in election of 1892
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