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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Top 10 ways to a healthier lifestyle Overweight, fast food diet, couch potato, these are all signs of an unhealthy lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can make for a happy, long life so choose the healthy way with these 10 steps. Overweight, fast food diet, couch potato, these are all signs of an unhealthy lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can make for a happy, long life so choose the healthy way with these 10 steps. 2) Eat lots of fruit an vegetables, and don't choose greasy fast food, going to the grocery store to pick up the healthy food you need for a week can seem expensive, but fast food will cost your health, which is more valuable than money. Reserve one day a week to have one sweet treat to keep you sane.I think eating healthy is important, said Heather Hodges. 1) 30 minutes of exercise for every day of the week can do anyone justice. Get up off the couch, put workout clothes on and go for a run, bike, or do any exercise that you desire. It is easier to start the day off with exercise because it will make you feel good for the rest of the day, and you wont push it off because you are too tired at night.I think people should exercise as much as they can because it relieves a lot of stress. Verifying the types of exercise you do helps you become more fit, said Brandi Thomsen. 3) Not sleeping enough can be harmful to your body because it is not rested enough to function right, and it could possibly lead to not exercising because you will be to tired to get up and moving for 30 minutes. 4) stretching has many benefits to ones health. It can calm you down and relax you, it can also prevent injuries, such as pulled muscles and muscle cramps. Yoga is a great way to get out and stretch, it is like two in one because you can stretch, and if you join a hot yoga class it will also be exercise.Stretching can prevent injury, and it definitely releases stress and cramps in muscles, said Jennifer cape 5) Drinking water keeps you from being dehydrated, and maintains the balance of body fluid your body needs. Water is also a very good replacement for soda and unhealthy drinks that you consume. Lastly,water keeps your skin looking good, and it will look younger for longer.Drinking water is a great way to stay hydrated, especially during a workout, said Rachel Spyhalski 6) It is good to have fresh air flow through your body because it can create energy within your body. Fresh air can also relieve stress and create happiness because you arent cooped up inside with cramped air. 7) spending too much time on electronics can prevent from spending time outside. It can also lead to brain or eye damage because of looking at the screen for too long. It is good health to not always be staring at a screen, said Emma Staz. 8) You have to brush your hair, brush your teeth, and take care of your skin to stay healthy. Your body is a one of a kind diamond, if you damage it or break it, there is no way of getting a new one, so it is good to take care of all the little things. 9) If you dont take vitamins you can lose energy and be very immune to being sick because vitamins give your body energy like the sun gives plants energy, and by having energy it can fight away flu bugs and cold bugs to keep you from getting sick. having a positive vibe towards being healthy can make the beginning of the process easier because by being negative you will just bring yourself down. Once you get into the healthy drift or a while, the positivety will come to you much easier.
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