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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Peopli ng Slavery in the South By : Haja Dukureh Slavery refers to a condition in which individuals are owned by others, who control where they live and at what they work. Identit y Politics and Power Environment and Geography What they call the "slavery effect" accounts for up to a 15% point difference in party affiliation today. About 30% of whites in former slave plantation areas report being Democrats, compared to 40 to 45% of whites in counties where slaves made up less than 3% of the population. A prosperous slave economy based on cotton redistributed the Souths slave population as urban slaves were sold to plantation owners in the lower south. Fugitive Slave Act The fugitive slave laws were laws passed by the United States Congress in 1793 and 1850 to provide for the return of slaves who escaped from one state into another state or territory. In a landmark case, the Supreme Court ruled that Dred Scott andother slaves were not citizens under the Constitution. Republicans such as Abraham Lincoln considered the decision to be proof that the Slave Power had seized control of the Supreme Court. The many rivers of the south permitted for easy transportation of goods and for slaves to be easily transported and purchased throughout the south. Southern secession was not recognized by thefederal government in Washington DC or by foreign governments. "No slaves think they were madeto be slaves. Let them keep them ever so ignorant, it is impossible tobeat it into them that they were made to be slaves. I have hear some of the most ignorant I ever saw say it will not always be so, God will bring them to an account.-James Curry Slave culture combines elements of tribal African culture with Christian worship and stresses the importance of family and cooperation. In many respects,American slave culture was a culture of resistance and defiance against the American slave system. During the Missouri Compromise of 1820, this line became the focus of much political debate because it was the de facto dividing line between the southern states that allowed slavery and the northern states that had abolished slavery. After kidnapping potential slaves, merchants forced them to walk inslave caravans to the European coastal forts, sometimes as far as 1,000 miles Geography promoted Africans as a viable slave force The south cultivated its most important crops, tobacco and rice. While ships were still close to shore, insurrections of desperate slaves sometimes broke out. Many wentmad in these barbaric conditions; others chose to jump to their watery deaths rather than endure. Africans were often treated likecattle during the crossing. On the slave ships, people werestuffed between decks in spaces too low for standing. Slaves were often prevented from reading and writing by restrictive laws. They compensated with oral forms of communication, including music and storytelling Culture and traditions weretorn asunder, as families,especially young men, were abducted. Those too sick or weary to keep up were often killed or left to die. Geography eliminated Africa as a viablelocation for plantations. Because a small crew had to control so many, cruel measures such as ironmuzzles and whippings were used to control slaves. O Lord, O my Lord!O my great Lord keep me from sinking down. From a slave song
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