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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How a Bill Becomes a Law 2009 1st Reading Standing Committee Rules Committee 2nd Reading Vote On Bill 3Options 3rd Reading Repeat 1-7 Conference Committee Sent ToPresident Any bill that spends money starts in the house also known as the hopper or the Senate can standand read it. 90% of work is done at the standing committee group getting worked on. Majority of bills never make it out of committee. The 3 options are a do pass which it will thengo to floor, a kill which means the bill dies, or a pigeonhole which means its held in committee. The house only would send bill here and is often referred to as traffic cop because of how much time it will spend here. Bill gets read again, this is the shortest step and has been in committee for a while. The debate begins with the sponsor, only senate can filibuster which is endless debate that can be stopped with a 3/5 vote of cloture. If voted yes everyone would have to come back also called a quorum. To vote on a bill it would have to make it this far and takes a simple majority which is 50% + 1 In this step the bill goes to both chambers and gets to vote on forms of checks and balances. If different from the original version it will be sent here to work out a compromise. President has 4 options. He can sign it to make it a law, veto it which dies but can be overridden, pocket veto it where congress adjourns and bill dies, or hold it where after 10 days bill becomes a law with no signature.
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