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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Superficiality v. "True Love" Miss Emily Rosalind and Perdita Connie Both Connie and Rosalind valued superficial ideals upheld by their time periods. Connie valued personal beauty over real love, and Rosalind valued wealth and material goods over true love. Olivia Newell,Aaron Royce, Hanna RipperReederPeriod 816.12.14 Authors James, Faulkner, and Oates discuss the values of superficiality versus true love; James and Oatesconvey a message illuminating the evils that emerge from valuing material wealth and vanity, while Faulkner eerily underlines the human requirement of love over superficial desire. Gothic Elements The stories "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been," by Joyce Carol Oates, "A Rose for Emily," by William Faulkner, and "the Romance of Certain Old Clothes," by Henry James all explore the desires and experiences of women, each in their own time period. Unlike the other stories, Faulkner's"A Rose for Emily" focuses on Miss Emily's disturbing desire for love. she lives in a broken down,dirty house, sleeping with a dead man for comfort. Miss Emily's desire for love and disregard of material commodities is definedby her ramshackle house containingthe rotting body of her lover. Perdita, unlike Rosalind, truly experiences the effects of love. Perdita loves her husband fornothing other than who he is,while Rosalind is only after hisweath. Connie is faced with the overwhelming desire to adopt the values of beauty and popularity upheld in her mid-1960s culture. Her curious experimentation with individualization and sexuality defines her actions and leads her intosinister arms of Arnold Friend, apersonification of her vanity, and the corrupt ideals of the youth pop culture. Miss Emily, during theadvancing developmentof social life in the 1930s, rejects the evolving culture will only accept the past,feeling that the only love she will receive is from the dead. Rosalind, a beautiful young lady of the 1860s, is a seemingly lovely woman.However, she proves to possess twistedintentions of achieving her deceasedsister's previous wealth from her new,wealthy husband, once the husband ofher sister. Rosalind has a mind onlycomposed of vanity and a greed formaterial goods. her greed is the cause of her petrifying death. -Eerie castle setting (Miss Emily's house) -Dreams, Hallucinations, Visions (Was Arnold Friend just a hallucination?)-Extreme displays of emotion(Connie screams into the phone)-Woman in distress(Connie is tormented by Arnold)-Woman threatened by tyrannical male(Arnold threatens Connie so she'll come to him) -Supernatural Elements(Perdita's ghost, themysterious Arnold Friend)-Psychological distress(Both Rosalind and Connieare driven to madness) -Air of mystery and suspense(Much of each story is left untold.What happened to Connie? Emily is dead, so her explanation for killing herlover isn't heard.-Gruesome Elements(The dead body in Miss Emily's home, and the terrifying depiction od Arnold Friend) -Twisted ideas of love(Miss Emily sleeps with adead man, Connie is confronted with a poisonous relationship, and Rosalind only loves for money.) -Tortured characters (Perdita's death and Rosalind'sgreed for her belongings drives hermad)-Ghastly conclusions(Rosalind murdered by the ghost of her sister) The gruesome deaths of Connie and Rosalind by frightening, supernatural causes underlines theinsignificance and poisonous effect vanity can have on seemingly "good" people. The pitifuland simple deaths of Perdita and Miss Emily appear almost favorable in contrast to the downfall of Connie and Rosalind, who succumbed to their own greed and vanity, while Perdita and Miss Emily died valuing true love itself. Works CitedOates, Joyce Carol. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been. 1867. Print.James, Henry. The Romance of Certain Old Clothes. 1885. Print.Faulkner, William. A Rose for Miss Emily. 1930. Print.
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