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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Sigue los pasos y crea tu ensalda 1 ESCOGE TU LECHUGA 2 ELIGE TUS INGREDIENTE S 3 ESCOGE TU PROTEINA 4 double click to change this title text! double click to change this title text! ELIGE UN ADEREZO double click to change this title text! 5 AGREGA UN CROCANTE Lechugasangría Espinaca Aceitunas negrasAceitunas verdesAguacateArandanosBetabel BrocoliChampiñonEloteTomateZanahoria PepinoManzanaToronjaNaranja HuevoPollo Pasta Jamón AtúnSurimi double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! Queso panelaQueso gouda double click to change this header text! Blue cheeseCesarMil islasRanch Miel/MostazaArandanoMangoTamarindo double click to change this header text! ItalianoAderezo light double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! AlmendraCacahuates CrotonesTotopos double click to change this header text! NuezAjonjoli double click to change this header text! Lechugaorejona 1 porcón de proteína2 ingredientes1crocante/1 aderezo+ Agua natural CHICA MEDIANA 2 porciones de proteína3 ingredientes1 crocante/1 aderezo+ Agua natural GRANDE 2 porciones de proteína4 ingredientes1 crocante/2 aderezos+ Agua natural double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! Bebidas double click to change this header text! Limón double click to change this header text! Jamaica Mixta double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! Té helado Porción extra de proteína $20Extra Crocante $12Vegetal extra $12
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