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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Not so Grasslands after all! double click to change this title text! Plain The grassland climate is dry, getting 20-35 inches of rain a year, on the lower end of the spectrum between desert and rainforest. Acacia implexa LightwoodAcacia paradoxa Hedge WattleAcaena echinata Sheep's BurrAcaena sp. (ovina/agnipila) Sheep' Burr* Acetosella vulgaris Sheep SorrelAgrostis avenacea Common Blown-grass* Aira caryophyllea Silvery Hair-grass* Aira elegantissima Delicate Hair-grasshr Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping SheokeAmphibromus nervosus Common Swamp Wallaby-grass* Arctotheca calendula Cape WeedAsperula conferta Common Woodruff* Aster subulatus Aster-weedAtriplex semibaccata Berry Saltbushhr Austrodanthonia auriculata Lobed Wallaby-grassAustrodanthonia caepitosa Common Wallaby-grassAustrodanthonia caespitosa Common Wallaby-grassAustrodanthonia carphoides Short Wallaby-grassAustrodanthonia duttoniana Brown-Back Wallaby-grassAustrodanthonia eriantha Hill Wallaby-grassAustrodanthonia fulva Copper-awned Wallaby-grassAustrodanthonia pilosa Velvet Wallaby-grassAustrodanthonia racemosa Stiped Wallaby-grassAustrodanthonia setacea Bristly Wallaby-grassAustrodanthonia spp. Wallaby GrassesAustrostipa ?blackii Crested Spear-grasshr Austrostipa aristiglumis Plump Spear-grassAustrostipa bigeniculata Spear grassAustrostipa curticoma Spear grassr Austrostipa gibbosa Spurred Spear-grassAustrostipa mollis Supple Spear-grassAustrostipa scabra ssp. falcata Rough Spear-grassAustrostipa semibarbata Fibrous Spear-grassr Austrostipa setacea Corkscrew Spear-grassAustrostipa spp. Spear Grasses* Avena barbata Bearded OatBothriochloa macra? Red-leg Grass* Briza maxima Large quaking-grass* Briza minor Lesser Quaking-grass* Bromus diandrus Great Brome* Bromus hordeaceus Soft Brome* Bromus rubens Red BromeBursaria spinosa Sweet BursariaCalocephalus citreus Lemon Beauty-headsCarex inversa Knob Sedge* Chamaecytisus palmensis Tree LucerneChamaesyce drummondii Flat Spurgehr Cheilanthes sieberi Narrow Rock-fernChloris truncata Windmill Grasshr Chrysocephalum apiculatum s.l. Common Everlasting* Cirsium vulgare Spear ThistleClematis microphylla Small-leaved ClematisConvolvulus erubescens Pink BindweedCrassula sieberiana Sieber Crassula* Critesion murinum ssp. glaucum Blue Barley-grass* Cucumis myriocarpus Paddy Melon* Cynara cardunculus Spanish Artichoke* Cynosurus echinatus Rough Dog's-tail* Cyperus eragrostis Drain Flat-sedge* Dactylis glomerata Cocksfoothr Dianella longifolia s.l. Pale Flax-lilyDichondra repens Kidney Weedhr Drosera peltata Tall Sundew* Echium plantagineum Paterson's Curse* Ehrharta erecta Panic Veldt Grass* Ehrharta longiflora Annual Veldt GrassEinadia nutans Nodding SaltbushEleocharis acuta Common Spike-sedgeEleocharis pusilla Small Spike-sedgeElymus scaber var. scaber Common Wheat-grassEpilobium billardierianum Robust Willow-herbEpilobium hirtigerum Hairy Willow-herbhr Eremophila deserti Turkey-bush* Erodium botyrs Big Herons-billEryngium ovinum Blue DevilEucalyptus melliodora Yellow BoxEucalyptus microcarpa Grey BoxEucalytptus camaldulensis River Red GumEuchiton gymnocephalus s s. Creeping CudweedEuchiton sphaericus Annual Cudweed* Galenia pubescens GaleniaGalium migrans Wandering Bedstraw* Gamochaeta purpurea Spiked CudweedGeranium retrorsum Grassland Cranesbill*? Geranium sp. * Helminothotheca echioides Ox-tongue* Holcus lanatus Yorkshire FogHymenanthera dentata Tree Violethr Hymenanthera sp. aff. dentata Tangled Shrub-violetHypericum gramineum Small St John's Wort * Hypochoeris glabra Smooth's Cat's-ear* Hypochoeris radicata Cat's EarJuncus filicaulis Thread RushJuncus flavidus Yellow RushJuncus radula Hoary RushJuncus subsecundus Finger Rush* Leontodon taraxacoides Hairy Hawkbit* Lepidium africanum Common Pepper-cress* Lolium rigidum Wimmera Rye-grassLomandra filiformis subsp. coriacea Wattle Mat-rushLomandra filiformis subsp. filiformis Wattle Mat-rushhr Lomandra nana Dwarf Mat-rush* Lycium ferocissimum African Box-thornLythrum hyssopifolia Small LoosestrifeMaireana enchylaenoides Wingless Bluebush* Marrubium vulgare Horehound* Medicago polymorpha Burr MedicMicrolaena stipoides var. stipoides Weeping Grass* Nassella neesiana Chilean Needle-grass* Nassella trichotoma Serrated TussockOxalis exilis Shady Wood-sorrelOxalis perennans Grassland Wood-sorrelk Panicum ?decompositum Australian MilletPanicum effusum Hairy Panic* Paspalum distichum Water CouchPelargonium rodneyanum Magenta Storks-bill* Pentaschistus aeroides False Hair-grassPersicaria prostrata Creeping Knotweed* Phalaris paradoxa Paradoxical Canary-grass* Physalis viscosa Sticky Ground-cherry* Phytolacca octandra Red-ink Weedhr Pimelea curviflora Curved Rice-flowerPimelea glauca Smooth Rice-flower* Plantago lanceolata Ribwort* Poa annua Annual Meadow-grassPoa morrissii Soft Tussock-grassPotamogeton tricarinatus Floating PondweedPseudognaphalium luteoalbum Jersey Cudweedhr Ptilotus macrocephalus Featherheads* Romulea rosea var. australis Common Onion-grass* Rosa rubiginosa Sweet BriarRumex brownii Slender Dock* Rumex crispus Curled DockRumex dumosus Wiry DockSchoenus apogon Common Bog-sedge* Silybum marianum Variegated Thistle* Solanum linnaeanum Apple of Sodom* Solanum nigrum Black Nightshade* Sonchus asper (subsp. asper) Rough Sow-thistle* Sonchus oleraceus Sow-thistlehr Stackhousia aff. monogyna Creamy Candles =sp.1Themeda triandra Kangaroo GrassTricoryne elatior Yellow Rush-lily* Trifolium arvense Hare's-foot Clover* Trifolium dubium Suckling Clover* Trifolium glomeratum Cluster Clover* Trifolium subterraneum Subterraneum Clover* Verbascum thapsus Great Mullein As you can see, there is a piddling amount of plants that can be found in the grasslands. However, most of them are grasses and flowers, as there is not enough moisture for trees.* *about a hundred eighty plants listed The Grassland biome is a large and flat one, with lots of... grass. It is usually found between desert and temperate forest. Animals in the grassland biome vary from location to location. A few examples: GazelleGophersElephantsGiraffesVulturesZebrasLionsBison Grassland used to take up to 25% of the world. Less than 2% of that remains.
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