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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Outstanding school-level successes Graduation rates for specific sub-groups ofstudents have soared. Growth overthe past five years was strongest for: PC upgrades/ server migration 24% improvement for black students Osseo Area Schools serves the third-highest number of students of color in the state. Osseo: 77% Minnesota: 58%Largest increase in the state among similar* districts. Over the past five years (2009-2013), Osseo Area Schools has delivered significant gains in on-time graduation rates. This report shares highlights in the four-year graduation rates for student groups at the district and school level for the Class of 2009 through the Class of 2013. Four-year (on time) graduation rates are reported as calculated by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). MDE also reports Five- and Six-Year rates (allowing for one or two more years for students to graduate beyond their senior year). Strong improvements in student sub-groups From 2009-2013, on-time graduation rates rosefrom 79% to 84%. 17% improvement for Asian students English Learners: 0% to 45%Free/Reduced Lunch: 9% to 92%Students of Color: 17% to 97% Steady overall increases Black students American Indian students Asian students Free/Reduced Lunch students Osseo: 86% Minnesota: 78%Eliminated the graduation rate gap with white students Osseo: 71% Minnesota: 64% Osseo: 60% Minnesota: 49%Higher on-time graduation rates for students who participate in American Indian Education Program. Park Center Senior High Osseo Senior High Maple Grove Senior High Overall graduation rates are consistentlyat or above 92%; student sub-groups are small. 26% 9% 13% Free-Reduced Lunch: 41%Limited English Proficiency: 10%Mobility: 13% Preparing the World's Best Workforce:Improving On-Time Graduation Rates 2009-2013 DRAFT 01/11/15 A wide range of student needs adds complexity to the work. Range (from lowest to highest) for select special populations among schools (most recent data): Osseo Area Schools serves the third-highestnumber of students of color in the state. 28% improvement for black students * Similar districts are the 18 Minnesota school districts with at least 50 black graduates in 2013. 14% improvement for Asian students 22% improvement for black students
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