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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How a bill becomes a law 1st reading: double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. *sponsor introduction* House: hopperSenate: Individual (senator)* If money is spent on the bill, it starts in the house (a hopper is a special box next to the clerks desk). Sent to standing committee: * 90% of work is done hereMost bills die in this process (standing committee is a permanant panel) Committee has 3 options: 1.) Reccommend "do pass"- goes to floor (floor= entire chamber) Pigeonhole- held in committee Kill it- bill dies Recommend "do not pass" (rarely used- goes to floor) Simple majority: vote= 50%+ 1 Rules Committee: (House only) * "Traffic cop" *house rules committee decides when bill can go to next step 2nd Reading: * Read again to check for any mistakes * back to floor *bill has more than likelybeen in this process for months 3rd Reading: * debate and discussbill with the sponsor *fillibuster done to stalldebate and usually doneby the minority party * stop with 3/5 vote of cloture Vote on bill: *takes simple majority (50%+1) House: 218/435 votes Senate: 51 votes * If you don't get thesenumbers, the bill dies (if you do, it keeps going) Sent to other chamber: (repeats steps 1-7 *goes to other chamber(senate) Repeats steps (1-7) Conference Committee: if different from original version,send to: conference committee *purpose to iron out the differencesso the bill is identical Sent to the President of the United States: 1.) sign it- becomes law 2.) veto it- dies(overridden 2/3)vote in chambers Peyton Edwards(p.2)
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