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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 INFOGRAPHICJoseph RidgwayMrs. RueGOV-12 How A Bill Becomes A Law A committeewhere bills ofspecified matterare referred tofor reporting. 9. Conference Committee. 2. Sent to Standing Committee. Main 6. 3rd Reading. 3. Three Rules Committee's is nicknamedthe "Traffic Cop" because the Bill cannot passthrough unless it meets all the rules. 5. 2nd Reading. 90-90 Rule: 90% of work in congressis done in Committee's90% of Bills are killed inCommittee's Option 1. Do Pass. Where the Bill hasa chance to be sentthought the thecommittee. 4. Rules Committee. 5. 2nd Reading. Standing Committee 1980 - TODAY Options. 4. Rules Committee. 6. 3rd Reading. Option 3.Pigeonholed the bill is held inCommittee until the session ends. Congress 7. Vote on Bill. Debating Time. 8. Goes to SenateChamber and repeats steps1-7. POST-MODERNIST DYSTOPIA HIGH-TECH, LOW LIFE CYBERNETICS Option 2.Killing the bill which isvery common in the committee's. REBELLION CYBERPUNK. 1. First Reading. BILL! 1st Reading When a Bill is first introduced to the House or Senate. Bills from the House have to do with money. House bills are placed in Hopper. All three of theseneed to have amajority vote to be put into effect. Bill is moved back tothe Floor and readto entire Chamber. 10. Sent To P.O.T.U.S. The President has four options for whathe could do to the Bill. 3. Hold the Bill, The Presidentcan choose to sign or Veto thebill, But after 10 days it becomes a law.4.Pocket Veto, After 10 daysand Congress adjourns, the Bill dies. 1. Sign the Bill and make it Law right then and their.2. To Veto the Bill, bill is then sent back to congressand if bill passes by a 2/3vote in House (269) and Senate(67) then it becomes law. Takes simple MajorityVote (50%+1). Sponsor or Senator of the Bill begins the debate. If Bill is any differentthen the original itis sent to a Conference Committee. Bill mustbe exactlythe sameas original.
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