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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 When was it made: When was it made: MAINCharacters: MAINCharacters: Michael Grant Michael Grant Author: Author: 2008 2008 GONE GONE Setting: Setting: Town of Perdido Bech. Town of Perdido Bech. Dynamic: Dynamic: The min characters are Dynamic because they change in throughout the book. The min characters are Dynamic because they change in throughout the book. Main events; Main events; * Everyone 15 years old and over vanishes. * Everyone 15 years old and over vanishes. * Kids began getting supernaturl powers * Kids began getting supernaturl powers *They meat a creature known as Darkness. *They meat a creature known as Darkness. *Sam becomes the leader of Perdido Bech while Cain and the group returns to Coates Academy. *Sam becomes the leader of Perdido Bech while Cain and the group returns to Coates Academy. Problems: Problems: They have many problems in this book such as....*No grown ups *No cell phones, Internet, Tv or any thing *Bully's rule *Little kids have to face the world.*Time is big problem because on your birthday u dissaper. They have many problems in this book such as....*No grown ups *No cell phones, Internet, Tv or any thing *Bully's rule *Little kids have to face the world.*Time is big problem because on your birthday u dissaper. climax: climax: I think the climax would be when Sam and Cine tell the monster no when they turn 15 years old I think the climax would be when Sam and Cine tell the monster no when they turn 15 years old key quotes: key quotes: "One minute the teacher was talking about the Civil War and the next minute he was gone no poof no flash no explosion" pg. 1 this explains how the book begins. "One minute the teacher was talking about the Civil War and the next minute he was gone no poof no flash no explosion" pg. 1 this explains how the book begins. " But if all they did was kill time, time would end up killing them"This explains they have little time to work with and they don't need to waist it. " But if all they did was kill time, time would end up killing them"This explains they have little time to work with and they don't need to waist it. Theme: Theme: Everyone is gone except for teens 14 years old and younger. Its up to them to find out whats going on. To add to that they only have a to there birthday because on there birthday they vanish. “No. I believe in free will. I think we make our own decisions and carry out our own actions. And our actions have consequences. The world is what we make it. But I think sometime we can ask God to help us and He will. Sometime I think He looks down and say, 'Wow, look what those idiots are up to now. I guess I better help them along a little'. Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Sanjit A Hindu name meaning invincible.GaiaIts a Greek word meaning mother earth Phage A Greek word meaning eat. Sanjit- A Hindu name meaning invincible.Gaia-Its a Greek word meaning mother earth Phage- A Greek word meaning eat. Peter Ellison,Cain Soren,Sam Temple,Diana ladris,Astrid Ellison Peter Ellison,Cain Soren,Sam Temple,Diana ladris,Astrid Ellison Miraculous Supernatural interventionRadiationEmisson of energy as electromagnetic. Miraculous- Supernatural interventionRadiation-Emisson of energy as electromagnetic. By;Hailey Williams Sam Temple Astrid Ellison
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