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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Why are the chemtrails used? Chemtrails and Geoengineering, a controversial couple For some defenders of the theory, « Chemtrails » would be a way to build a kind of chemical shield that would filter a part of the rays of sunshine and permit to reduce the UV-index. The trails are part of a geoengineering project involving injecting large amounts of aluminum into the atmosphere to block the suns rays. Moreover, Geoengineering schèmes, are developed to place chemicals, salt or other particulates into our atmosphere to control global warming, are waiting in the wings to be implemented or have already been implemented. These chemicals and particulates are being proposed so that the amount of direct sunlight reachingthe earth is reduced in order to cool the planet. What is not being discussed, for example, is that California in 2006, took highly polluting sulfur out of diesel fuel due to asthma and other environmental problems. Now there are proposals to place sulfur back into our atmosphere to reduce global warming. What is ge-engineering What are the other Geoengineering Strategies? What is geoengineering? Among all geoengineering schemes, those currently considered most feasible involve increasing the planetary albedo, that is, reflecting more sunlight back into space before it can be absorbed. There are a number of different methods that could be used to increase the planets reflectivity: 1. Add more small reflecting particles in the upper part of the atmosphere (the stratosphere which is located between 15 and 50 kilometers above the Earths surface).2. Add more clouds in the lower part of the atmosphere (the troposphere) 3. Place various kinds of reflecting objects in space either near the earth or at a stable location between the earth and the sun. 4. Change large portions of the planets land cover from things that are dark (absorbing) such as trees to things that are light (reflecting) such as open snowcover or grasses. For some defenders of the theory, « Chemtrails » would be a way to build a kind of chemical shield that would filter a part of the rays of sunshine and permit to reduce the UV-index. The trails are part of a geoengineering project involving injecting large amounts of aluminum into the atmosphere to block the suns rays. Moreover, Geoengineering schemes, are developed to place chemicals, salt or other particulates into our atmosphere to control global warming, are waiting in the wings to be implemented or have already been implemented. These chemicals and particulates are being proposed so that the amount of direct sunlight reaching the earth is reduced in order to cool the planet. What is not being discussed, for example, is that California in 2006, took highly polluting sulfur out of diesel fuel due to asthma and other environmental problems. Now there are proposals to place sulfur back into our atmosphere to reduce global warming. Geoengineering is the deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earths natural systems to counteract climate change.Generally, these can be grouped into two categories: - Solar Radiation Management (SRM) their aim is to reflect a small proportion of the Suns energy back into space, counteracting the temperature rise caused by increased levels of greenhouse gasesin the atmosphere which absorb energy and raise temperatures. - Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) or Carbon Geoengineering aim to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, directly countering the increased greenhouse effect and ocean acidification. The chemtrails as a geoengineering issue
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